Chapter 4

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Marinette had been nervous when she started working at Gabriel, but after a few weeks and having Adrien there giving her words of encouragement had made the transition so much easier. Nathalie had informed her that her current desk cubicle on the main design floor was only temporary and that Gabriel would have a special assignment to her that would require her to work closer with Adrien. Marinette certainly didn't object to that idea, even if being around Adrien so much was still making her weak at the knees.

Adrien had also taken to picking Marinette from the bakery on his motorbike and riding her to work with him on mornings he didn't have training. Marinette had never been much of a morning person, but she looked forward to their morning rides, even if it was only for ten minutes in the chilly late Autumn air.

Adrien on the other hand was becoming impatient for Marinette's new workspace to be ready so he could keep her closer to him and away from Ricardo. He had decided that he absolutely did not like the man one little bit. He might have only known him for a few weeks, but that didn't change the fact that the Italian intern completely rubbed him the wrong way.

Many of the people working at Gabriel had at first mistaken Ricardo for a new model rather than an intern designer. He was handsome, Adrien couldn't deny that, with his slicked back long black hair tied in a low ponytail, his suede camel brown knee length coat he had designed himself perfectly complimenting his olive skin and his smooth voice had the women in the place, and a few guys too, falling all over themselves bewitched by his charismatic charms.

Adrien also couldn't help but notice that Ricardo was paying a lot of attention to Marinette, and it didn't help that his cubicle was right next to hers. Now Adrien knew he had no reason to be jealous, after all Marinette wasn't his girlfriend and she did know Ricardo from university, but he felt a distinct level of discomfort every time Ricardo placed a flirty hand on her shoulder or leaned in too close when speaking to her, like he was right now.

"You know it would look even better if you raised the front of the dress and let it hang further at the back." Ricardo said, taking the pencil from Marinette's hand and leaning over her shoulder to tinker with her design. Marinette frowned and placed a hand over her page.

"I appreciate your idea, Ricardo, but I'd rather use a traditional line for this style." Marinette said politely, taking the pencil out of Ricardo's hand.

"You need to be more daring Marinett, or you will get yourself stuck in a rut Marinette. To create something with passion you need to feel it. I could show you some things that would make your head spin and release that inner Aphrodite that I'm sure is hidden inside. I'm free tonight..."

"Marinette." Adrien called, stealing her attention away from Italian and earning himself a sour glare from man. "Nathalie asked me to show you your new work space."

Marinette picked up her folder and followed Adrien to the elevators, missing the side eye Adrien gave to Ricardo on the way. She noticed that he seemed a little more stiff than usual as they waited for the elevator. "Is everything alright?" Marinette asked him and he let out a huff.

"I don't like him." He admitted. Marinette let out a little giggle.

"What, Ricardo? He's pretty harmless. Although between you and me, I think he must have slept with every girl in our cohort at uni."

Adrien looked at her with wide eyes, but she gave him a playful poke. "I didn't say I was one of them." She laughed as the bell pinged on the elevator and they stepped in. "Not that it wasn't for lack of trying on his part, but I couldn't possibly fall for such a shameless playboy like that and just be another notch in his belt. I'm not that desperate."

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