Chapter 10

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"What was that Gabriel?"

The designer avoided looking at Nathalie and focused his attention out the window of the car. "I don't know what you're talking about".

"Rubbish." She snapped and Gabriel looked over to see her glaring at him over her glasses. "You knew exactly what you were doing. You were trying to provocate Adrien by attacking his manhood. That's low, even for you."

"Would you have me akumatize him instead?"

"Now you're just being facetious."  She grumbled, folding her arms and looking away from him.

"He needed a kick up the backside instead of feeling sorry for himself. The only way he will get himself out of the rut he is clearly in is by focusing his attention on Marinette instead"

Nathalie turned her head back to him, knitting her eyebrows together. "You think that was the way to get him out of a rut?"

Gabriel looked at her confused. "You don't approve?"

"No Gabriel, I don't approve." Nathalie retorted.

Gabriel smirked. "You know I had no intention of putting Ricardo into the same office as Marinette. I'm well aware of the kind of man he is. I think I would have ended up with a lawsuit on my hands."

Nathalie rolled her eyes. "Yes, I knew that, but Adrien didn't. It could very well have been Ricardo filing a lawsuit against Adrien for assault." She then narrowed her eyes at him. "You were trying to make Adrien jealous, weren't you?"

"I believe it had the desired effect."

Nathalie groaned and shook her head. "Honestly, I don't know why that even surprises me. And what about Félix? Is that some kind of angle too."

"It is, but not for the same reason. I had a long talk with Amelie and Félix about what had been going on with Illusions and he has agreed to be my eyes and ears at the Bourgeois function. This is the first item of the Miraculous collection being shown and I would almost guarantee that Illusions won't pass up the opportunity to have someone spying there. The private investigator said as much."

"Shouldn't you have told Marinette?"

"I think the less she knows for now the better. She means well, but this is above her pay grade so to speak."

Nathalie pursed her lips. "You still think Ricardo is the leak don't you?"

Gabriel nodded slowly. "That break in was nothing but a farce, but it makes it difficult to point the finger with any kind of certainty. We will have to wait and see what happens at the function, but I have a feeling that the mysterious entity behind Illusions will make themselves known very soon. They can't stay in the shadows forever."

Gabriel loosened his tie, feeling uncomfortable around his neck. He could still sense that frustrated man at the Mayor's office.

"When are you going to give that up Gabriel?" Nathalie asked, indicating where the butterfly pin was hidden.

"If I have the Miraculous, I can keep him safe." Gabriel replied, but Nathalie wasn't entirely convinced he believed it himself anymore.

"You can't protect him from the world Gabriel. Adrien is a man now, not a wide eyed little boy. Do you really think he would be happy to find out anything of this? As far as he knows his mother is buried in the family crypt. You know what the Miraculous Lore says about combining the Ladybug and the Cat Miraculous."

Gabriel lowered his head as the car came to a stop at the Agreste mansion. "A price must be paid. Yes I know, but what choice do I have?" He then let out a long sigh, balling up his fists on his knees. "Wasn't Emilie enough of a price?"

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