(07) Working At Night

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Third person pov:

Shraddha was frustrated with the idea of working all night, the day had already been a lot for her and now she can't even get a sleep.

Gathering her laptop, mobile and stationary she headed to Sid's room and knocked hardly.

Sid opened the door and gulped when he looked at her frustrated face, she was definitely killing him with her eyes. He smiled a bit but never got it back. Sid gestured her to come in and she followed. His room was much bigger than hers, there was a large black couch and a king size bed.

Sid was wearing a black muscle shirt revealing his perfectly toned arms and bisecps. 'That might cause a distraction' Shraddha thought to herself and looked away. She settled down on the couch and arranged her items on the table while Sid was sitting on the bed with his laptop on the lap. Soon they both were engaged in their respective works.

After Sid was done with his work, he ordered food for them and stood near the glass window leaning on the wall with legs crossed. He looked out of the window, it was a beautiful view and the night wind was making it more loveable.

"Shoot!!" Shraddha spoke and pouted. Sid tilted his head to her direction and saw paper balls on the floor.

"She is so clumsy" he whispered to himself. 'and beautiful' his inner self spoke.

He was looking at her with adoration in his eyes. She was wearing a white oversized T-shirt and black shorts which revealed her long toned legs.
Her hairs were in a messy bun and few hairs strands were framing her face making her oval face even more attractive. Her hazel eyes were shining bright and her pink heart shaped plump lips were moving as she was talking to herself chewing on the edge of the pencil he so wanted to capture them right away.

He looked away as she looked in his direction as if he was caught committing a crime.

"Uhh... Actually I need your help!" Shraddha spoke scratching her neck.

"Yeah, with what?" Sid looked at her with narrowed eyes.

"I'm not really sure with this theme and design, so if you can look at it and approve." Shraddha said and Sid nodded.

Sid was sitting on the table in front of Shraddha who was showing him the papers. He pointed out some details in them and she was marking them. Sid saw her hairs were disturbing her and she was using her shoulder to keep them away from her face.

Sid raised his hand and put the strand of hair behind her ear, Shraddha looked up immediately. Their faces were just inches away and they could feel each other's breath on their face. Sid was looking directly in her deep eyes as if finding something he lost a long time ago, he shifted his gaze to her lips and gulped.

Shraddha closed her eyes and he leaned even more, Sid gently held her neck and pulled her face closer. He tilted his head staring at her perfect lips and closed his eyes, his nose brushed against her cheek and their lips collide. Her lips felt soft and delicate against his, the kiss was slow but passionate. Sid parted her lips with his own and the doorbell rang.

Sid's pov:

I tilted my head in the direction of the door and realised my hand was still on Shraddha's face and that's when reality hit me. 'Was it a dream?' I sighed and opened the door. It was a waiter with our food that I ordered. 'Cant he just come after a while?' I thought.

After taking the food I went to Shraddha, she was holding her cheek with her hand and her eyes were closed. I rolled my eyes
"This girl is crazy!" I whispered to myself.
'And she makes me crazy as well.'
I chucked and cleared my throat to gain her attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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