Chapter 3--- The Pin With The Duck

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   I don't think I can see anything. It was complete pitch  black, and my hands vanished right before my eyes. I could hear people talking inaudibly and Ramone gripping my hands tight. My hands began to sweat and Ramone's fingers were gripping tighter than ever. "What the hell!" Ramone cried, right next to my ears. "Somebody do something!" 

   Then I heard screams. Very high pitch screams, and it tickled my bones. My ears wanted to bleed but I stopped them. It must be a girl, and it's coming from upstairs. "It must be Shiloh!"I screeched, but Ramone held on. "Get a lighter. Everyone, stay put! I'm going upstairs with Nola to see what the mess is about."She called, in her bold and unforgettable voice. I grabbed a lighter from local smoker  Yvonne Jonas. 

   "Don't worry. It's probably from the shock. She'll be alright. Of course, she might had tripped, considering it being dark and all, but it's all fine. This might be a scary trip for both of us, but Shiloh's a brave girl, hm? Nola, are you crying...?" I sniffled and wiped my tears. "Nope." and we carried on. 

   Ramone continued to speak when we creaked open her bedroom door. Her bedroom revealed a lu,p under the blanket, and we both stopped. Ramone yelled a bit, and tears rolled down my cheeks. It was Shiloh, it can't possibly be anyone else. Ramone tiptoed to the lump, and yanked off the sheets...

There was a duck charm on the bobby pin.

There was blood on the bobby pin.

There was a bobby pin half stuck inside a girl's neck.

There was a bobby pin stuck inside Shiloh's neck.

There was a shriek coming from my mouth. 

There was a gasp coming from Ramone's mouth.


Shiloh was murdered. 

I covered my mouth with my hands, and kneeled on the  ground. Ramone was stumbling. "I-I-" I nearly choked on my tears, as they began rolling down more and more. I was pretty sure I looked like the 😭 emoji. I felt her silk red dress, that was damp by the collar, but we couldn't see any blood. I lifted up my hands and on my fingers were printed red. I gasped and fell down to the ground, sobbing. Ramone placed her hand on my shoulder, but I lifted it away. My own best friend... let's say murdered. I wanted to slap myself. After all, I dragged Shiloh into this party. I turned around, and Ramone was gone. She had wandered into the next room, and I knocked back on Shiloh's body, and removed the bobby pin. The duck charm looked so bright and cheerful, It- 


I ran to Ramone.

Before my feet was another body. Marcus's body. There was also a Duck Charm bobby pin slit into his adam's apple, and blood painting the carpet red. I let out the most horrifying, loudest, spine shaking scream. 

Someone put a blanket over my shoulders. I looked up to see Ramone, who was just as shocked as I am. My mascara was running down my cheeks, leaving a trail of black. I sobbed on her knees. "Why did I let this HAPPEN?" I wailed. Ramone shook her head. "It's not your fault." and she hugged me tightly. I couldn't help wailing, blowing my nose on a tissue, while the police pulled up at the large crowd in the front yard of the Calloway Residence. "Oh shoot, my parents!" Ramone dashed off to her screaming parents, leaving me alone of the sidewalk. I blew into my tissue. My mind was full of endless thoughts, like, Why did I let this happen to her? Why? Why did they die?  Why the party? Why now? Why them? 

Who killed them?? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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