Chapter 2--- Party on Elm Street

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    "Shiloh, you little crap, get up from the couch and get ready for Ramone's party." I slapped a purse across Shiloh's thighs, who was currently belonging to a girl sprawled across the couch like a starfish. 

     Shiloh pouted. "Come on, Nola. Do we have to? I have a friend who loves parties that would be great to go as me."

    "Shiloh, we're not dressing your mum up in a brown wig. Once again, she's 50."

     "you mean Mom."  Shiloh teased my english accent while I threw a silky red mini dress at her. She attempted to dodge it but it just landed on her chest, which stayed there. Shiloh just folded her arms and groaned, while powdering her cheeks. "Seriously, this powder is horrible. Where did you get this, at the Hope House?" Hope house was this local pharmacy, where they sell cheap makeup and bandages. "I got it from Chanel! You can tell I paid 57.33 dollars for this IF you use it correctly. Pat it on your face, don't rub it, connasse." I yanked the container out of her fingers and patted the cushion on my cheeks. 

   Shiloh scoffed madly. "Did you call me a connasse?" Look it up if you want to. 

   "What, does a person have to be in trouble for calling me Nola?" I said.

   "You-You- you Gosse d'Angleterre!" Shiloh lunged. Suddenly we were yelling the worst insults in French. Gasped.  Gosse d'angleterre mean England Brat in English. I knew she meant it as a joke, but it's really upsetting if a stranger said it to you. I frowned. "Just get changed, starfish." 

    The music was muffled but I could feel the vibrations from under my feet.  Ramone's 12 year old sister Raine was forced to greet the guests. "Gimme a name." she said in monotone. She felt like she didn't want to be here at all. I replied with a smile. "Nola Lee and Shiloh Abrahams." Raine sighed. "In." "Actually, can we not be in?" "SHILOH." I dragged her in. "Shiii...." trailed behind her. Shiloh can be such a pain. 

   "Oh." "My," Shiloh added. "God! I said back. Ramone Calloway's house is gorgeous! She has her own disco ball. I'm pretty sure her house has 5 floors. There was a large selection of party snacks and the wine bar. I was 2 years away from drinking, so I took a pickled radish. Shiloh chucked a shot of champagne. "That's what you want, right? Champagnes are what parties are about, right?" She gulped it down before I could knock it off her hands. "SHILOH!" I said, for the hundredth time this night. "You're sixteen!" "It's only a shot. I couldn't gargle my mouth with this." She said, already looking drunk. I sighed. Oh, Shiloh. 

   "Sheeeeesh, girl! Never knew you could dance like that!" I laughed, admiring Shiloh's moves. Shiloh immediately stopped. "Come on Nols, don't embarrass me." She said, blushing all over from ear to ear. "What's wrong? You look like a queen like that!" I laughed, putting my hands on her waist. "I don't want to be caught throwing it back. Marcus might walk in the room with a rose soon. I chuckled. "Stop. Girl, Marcus isn't that romantic. Only guys in black and white movies give roses." I said, when a gleam of light cinematically entered the room. It was ol' Marcus. Big news. "Ohhmigosh!" Shiloh squealed. I gulped. Marcus was holding a red rose and wearing a suit and tie. "Hey, beautiful." Shiloh ran to his arms. She folded her left leg up and kissed Marcus. I want to barf. "Look what I got you." From behind him he pulled out the rose. It was no surprise, Shiloh already squealed about the rose before, but she still covered her mouth and wiped her eyes with a finger. "That's so sweet!" The crowed awed and oohed. 

   "Marcus, Marcus, Marcus." Marcus's friend Jones approached him with a smirk. "Didn't know you were a gentleman." I could feel Marcus blush from my eyes. 'Dude, don't." he said in an oddly threatening voice. 

   I sat at the kitchen counter drinking the third cup of fruit punch, glaring at Shiloh 'throwing it back' in front of Marcus. I thought she didn't want to. "That connasse." I hissed, taking another sip and crumpling the red plastic cup up. Around me was girls gossiping and taking illegal drinks of champagne, some boys were play-fighting each other. That was when Gulliver the geek came to me. "Hi, Nola." he said in a mouth of braces. He still looked 15. Technically this was a birthday party, but not a party for his mother. There was no use for the shirt and suspenders. "Nice  dress." he smiled. I glanced down at my purple backless dress. It is a nice dress, but its's not Gulliver's style.  Ramone was approaching us and Gulliver laughed nervously and ran off. He gets nervous around unfamiliar girls. I learnt it the hard way. "Hey, girl!' she said in a thick southern accent. Her afro was looking prettier as ever, and this time she was wearing a green sequined mini dress. "Happy birthday." I said, not taking my eyes off Marcus and Shiloh. Marcus was slipping Shiloh's leather jacket off her shoulders, revealing the silky red mini dress I picked for her. I wouldn't have picked it if I knew she would show off her collarbone, her shoulders and her skin to Marcus. Too many skin. Ramone glanced at them. "well, Isn't Shiloh looking hot in that!" she said, stretching 'hot' into a opera-like singsong. "I picked it for her." I sipped the punch loudly. Ramone sighed. "won't you get up and dance for me?" she said, holding out her hand. 

   "Nola, don't be afraid to dance!" Ramone laughed. She's right. I AM afraid. I kept my eyes at Shiloh for the whole time. She spun off to the second storey, and I tried to follow her. Ramone grabbed my hand. "Don't. You're being overprotective! Marcus's a great guy." she said. "I guess." I continued so-called 'dancing'.


When the powers went out.

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