(Grian) Chapter 7

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- strong language (cursing, insults, naughty words)

-Gore (blood, violence)


You have been Warned.


Save Tommy

Once Grian reached the wall, he flew up. Xsumia wasn't to fat behind, but knew Grian would make it, but mostly all he would do is strain his wings. Xsumia grabbed onto Mumbo and flew up. They made it up, and Grian was running on the land, just like Xsumia predicted.

Xsumia knew but Grian told him he was an owner of his last world before joining this one. He would still have made it either way but it would put a strain on his wings. Xsumia on the other hand is fine, he let Mumbo fly through the would to catch up with Grian.

"Grian what is going on?"

"We have to find Tommy, he is in danger."

"What?" Mumbo and Xsumia looked confused on what was happening.

They get to the spawn area, and continue to reach closer to Tommy's house without knowing.

"Where can he be?" Xsumia asked, but Grian was to focused on using Watcher's vision on the area. The other two had no clue that he was using it.

"DREAM, PLEASE STOP!" Tommy's voice cried out. Grain ran towards the cries and the other two followed.

"Tommy, I have told you not to disobey me, and you did this. Why don't you say Hi To Shlatt." Dream was going to hit Tommy one last time but a watcher appeared before him between the two. The watcher roars at Dream as they protect Tommy.

"Papa!" Shroud ran over to Tommy crying. Dream was on the ground shocked at the creature before him. Xsumia and Mumbo were surprised

It was silent for a moment, just a moment. The watcher protected Tommy and Shroud but growled at Dream. Xsumia and Mumbo stood at the entrance of the gates to Tommy's house, or what seemed to be Tommy's house.

"Why the hell is a Watcher protecting you Tommy?" Dream was the first to speak, and Tommy looked at the watcher then at Dream.

"I DON'T KNOW, BUT IF THEY KEEP ME AWAY FROM YOU THEN I DON'T CARE." Tommy calmed Shroud down but he held onto him closely.

"How dare you hurt my son."

The voice came from the watcher, and all eyes were on them. He was still seen as a watcher, the most dangerous creature to destroy worlds. It shocked them all that Tommy was a watchers son.

"Wait where is Grian?" Mumbo asked Xsumia after he looked around.

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