(Tommy) Chapter 3

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- strong language (cursing, insults, naughty words)

-Gore (blood, violence)


You have been Warned.


On the run

After a few days, Tommy got Shroud and they started to head back home.

"Did you have fun big man?"

"Mhm, me and Michael had loads of fun. We played hide and seek, tag, we even built a fort."

"That sounds fun, I am glad you had that fun." Tommy smiled at the thought of his son having fun. He did fear that he would repeat what his life had brought him. He feared to leave Shroud behind with no one to go to, but Tommy knew that Shroud would never be alone.

"Papa, who is that?" Shroud pointed a head of them, and Tommy looked to see Dream.

"Shroud, be a big man, and hold on.= Tommy turned around holding his son and started to run away from Dream. He glanced back to see Dream running after him.

"Come here Tommy." Dream yelled as he chanced him, Shroud was holding tight onto Tommy crying.

Tommy ran into the woods, Dream followed right after him. They ran for hours, night time came and Tommy was tired, Shroud was asleep in Tommy's arms. Tommy took off his coat that he had from Will's old clothes, and wrapped Shroud to keep him warm. Tommy kept walking scared to stop, and feared that Dream would kill him if he slept to pass the night. Tommy had no clue where he was, he was miles away from home no where to go.

"Tommy where are you?" Dream's voice echoed through the woods, and Tommy glanced around to make sure Dream isn't around. Tommy saw a cave in the distance and walked into that cave to hide. "Tommy~" His voice echoed the cave, but Tommy was quite and heard him walk away from the cave that Tommy hide in.

Tommy sat down and looked at Shroud who was dead asleep. He put his head against the wall and listened to everything around him, get some food in his body, along with water. After 20 minutes, Tommy walked out with Shroud in his arms and walked the diffrent direction Dream went, which was ahead as Dream went left.


8 months of this, torture, pain... Tommy just wanted to go home to his Papa. During those 8 months he made a couple of friends.

Eryn, who he shares a room with him, Timdeo, Wisp, Luke, and Blitzle. Wisp on the other hand has betrayed them by telling the gaurds that they planned to escape on an earlier date, so he is currently an enemy.

Timedeo on the other hand has kept a secret that would benefit all of us kids. He told Tommy about it a little but it was a major secret. However, the time came for the plan to work.

Timedeo timed it almost perfectly. He got to Tommy and Eryn, then the others and ran for it. In the end they all got split up from each other.

Tommy then found Timedeo, Luke, and Blitzle. He cried out loud trying to find Eryn or him finding then, but there was no sign of Eryn in sight. They had to get moving away from that building.

They then found a place on SMP Earth.


Shroud was dead asleep in Tommy's arms as he walked through the forest, trying to navigate his way back home. He was lost, no way home. It was dark, close to sunrise at this point. Tommy was both mentally and physically tired but he kept moving for his son.

A rush of wind brushed past Tommy's ear, and he looked back to see Dream. "THERE YOU ARE. YOU CAN RUN FOREVER" Dream started to run towards Tommy and Tommy ran away from him.

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE." Tears feel but he refused to stop with Dream behind him.

"Come on, you caused all of this. You should pay."

"You are delusional."

Tommy stopped over an edge, it was so far down he couldn't see the bottom. He looked back at Dream scared out of his mind.

"Now Tommy, come to me and we can fix this." Dream then tilted his head to see a bit of Shrouds hair. "Who is this?" Dream started to reach out but Tommy pulled his sword out and pointed it at Dream.

"St-stay back." Tommy held onto Shroud tighter, and away from Dream. He looked back over the edge, scared then looked back at Dream.

"I am not gonna hurt them..." Dream stepped forward and Tommy stepped back. However, the ground is not what he felt. He started fall backwards and Dream tried to reach out for Tommy but missed him.

Tommy kept his back to the ground and protected Shroud. Tears fell as he started to fall. He looked back to see if he can land anywhere near water. He saw water and took a better position for landing. His feet hit the water first, and the water hit them both. Shroud woke up, and paniced from the sudden change. Tommy swam up and held Shroud up for him to breath.

"Shh, I got you big man." Tommy smiled at him, to not make him freak out more.

Tommy looked around the environment, and started to swim to land. Once he got to land, he looked up from where he fell, and it was so far up. He could fly up, but Dream was there. He didn't want to return, but Eryn came in mind. He just reunited with him, he left him behind. Tubbo, Ranboo, Micheal, Phil, Wilbur...Techno... tears fell, Shroud cried more scared, and Tommy was a bit frightened.

"H-hey, stop leaking." He tried his best to comfort his child but nothing was working. Tommy started to walk with Shroud in his arms. He then saw a crow, and idea came in mind. He pulled paper out and wrote one letter, and sent it off with the crow to Phil. Tommy managed to calm Shroud down.

"P-papa where are we?"

"I-I don't know buddy. L-let's find a place for a bit." Tommy walked forward trying to find something or someone.

It only got colder after that event, it was  getting hard for Tommy to stay conscious. He eventually found a clearing of flowers but he fell to the ground on his back.

"Papa?" Shroud started to shake Tommy but no response. "PAPA!" Shroud started to panicked,, and he looked around, no one in sight. "HELP, SOMEONE HELP. PLEASE MY PAPA NEEDS HELP." Shroud yelled out into the clearing of flowers. "Papa please hold on. Don't leave me..."

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