(Shroud) Chapter 4

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- strong language (cursing, insults, naughty words)

-Gore (blood, violence)


You have been Warned.


New home

"SOMEONE PLEASE HELP, MY PAPA NEEDS HELP." A small voice called out, and two people ran towards the yelling.

"Hurry, who knows what has happened." A bright voice spoke as he and another ran towards the yelling.

"I am running as fast as I can." His voice was more grumble, but it was difficult with the two British voices.


"This way" the grumbly voice pointed as he ran. The other followed right behind his friend. They get to a clearing to see a human spider child and a blond human.

"Please help my papa." The small voice came from the spider.

"Mumbo get the Blond one. I get the spider." The bright voice informed Mumbo on what to do.

"Sure Grian."

"Hey buddy, my name is Grian, this is Mumbo. We are gonna help you." Grian said as he picked up the child.

"Please just help my Papa. He promised not to leave me."

"Mumbo met us at my base. Okay?"

"Read you loud and clear G." Grian flew off, and heard rockets not far behind him. It wasn't long until they reached Grian's base. Grian put the child down and helped Mumbo once he landed. They got the Blond kid in bed, and the child was not far behind.

"Looks like he passed out from stress and the coldness." Grian said as he put a hand to the kids head.

"Well let's get the kid new clothes and then try and change him."

"Yeah sure. I might have kid clothes around, let me look." Grian was off to find clothes.

Mumbo looked at the child, and was confused on what he was, and who he is.

"So what is your name?"

"Papa name me Shroud." Shroud climbed on the bed, and laid next to the Blond kid.

"Do you know your papa's name?"

"Mhm, papa's name is TommyInnit."

"Back, so what happened with you two? If you don't mind me asking." Grian straight up asked, and Mumbo looked at him frustrated.

"Bad green man chased papa. Papa was scared but brave to protect me. We escaped the bad green man. But we fell..." Shroud looked at the two men scared but more calm as he started to talk.

"Oh, sorry to hear. Here let's get you change little man. After those clothes are washed, you can have them back. How does that sound little man?" Grian said as he walked into the room.

"Okay... you promise to give it back?"

"Yeap. Mumbo, can you change Tommy as I change Shroud."

"Sure G."

Grian handed Mumbo the bigger clothes. Grian changed Shroud out of the wet clothes. Grian took the wet clothes from people and started to clean them.

"Hey G, I placed a necklace on the table. It belongs to Tommy so don't throw it away."

"Okay, thanks for telling me. Wanna help me make food for the big man?" Grian smiled at his friend and Mumbo nodded.

"Yeah, let's go. Food ain't going to cook itself." Grian and Mumbo were cooking soup and bread in the kitchen.

It took 2 hours but it paid off. Then they heard footsteps coming from the bedroom heading their way. Grian looked to see Tommy awake and Shroud in his arms.

"Umm, thanks for the hospitality, but I need to get going. C-can I have my clothes and I can leave."

"Nonsense, you are a guest. Have soup and bread." Grian smiled placing two bowls and a basket of bread on the table. Mumbo walked off to check on the clothes. "My name is Grian, my pal that left is Mumbo Jumbo."

"Tommy..." Tommy looked at the food, then at Grian.

"Well eat up, food is gonna get cold."

"Papa let's eat." Shroud whined, and Tommy caved in. Tommy sat down, placing Shroud next to him. They both started to eat their food. Mumbo came back with the clean clothes.

"Here you two go. After you are done eating you can change and stay the night." Mumbo smiled at the two.

"Oh, thanks... it might be best if I leave after we change. I have to find a way back..." Tommy then noticed their wings.

"Something wrong kid?" Grian looked confused.

"You both have wings?"

"Oh, I don't have wings. These are elytras, Grian has wings though."

"Yeah, but it isn't a big deal. Here if you have wings you can fly when you please but if you have elyrtas it is the same rule. Do as you please but clean up after yourself."

"I see. C-can I stay for a while. I need to get my energy back up before I head back home..."

"Sure, take as long as you want child."

"Don't call me a child." Tommy grumbles under his breath.

"Oh, sorry kid." Grian smiled at the two.

"Papa, he talks like you a bit." Shroud spoke up, and Tommy looked at his son then smiled.

"I guess so. I did get the word big man from my Papa. So you might use it on your kids." Tommy smiled at his son.

"Well I have to get building, have a good night Tommy." Grian left after a bit, and it caused both Mumbo and Tommy to look at Grian.

"Sorry about him, well have a good night Tommy." Mumbo then walked off in the same direction to help Grian with the build/Redstone that is being done.

"Night... let's get you to bed big man." Shroud ran away as Tommy chased him.

"Nooooo" Shroud screamed out as he ran around the house. After 20 to 30 minutes Tommy caught Shroud and headed to bed and started to pass out with Shroud in his arms who fell asleep.

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