"Oh damn..." the bartender says and throws his rag over his shoulder and walks to the back. I raise my eyebrows at the bartender and then look back at Hero.

"You're mad Jack texted me saying he still wanted me."

"Go fucking be with him again, damn." Hero says and downs his shot.

"I mind as well, he actually cares about me and will give me what I want." I say and Hero slams his empty glass on the bar and begins to walk away and I grab his arm. "Where are you going?"

"I'm fucking leaving." he says and pulls his arm away from me and begins walking towards the door.

I just stand there dumbfounded and confused. I don't even know what happened but that whole thing just sobered me up. I begin to walk back to our table and wait for Mercy.

I down about two cups of water and about 10 minutes later Mercy comes back over and sits down and grabs my water out of my hand and begins chugging it.

"What-"I begin and she downs the whole water.

"I threw up, we drank too much."

We both look at each other and then just start laughing out asses off, this is what I love about Mercy, I can always be a better and carefree version of myself. I don't think about rules or consequences every five minutes. At first I thought it was her trying to make into someone I'm not then I realized she is helping me find the real me, which I am i'm the process of doing.

After about thirty more minutes of us dancing and downing water it's about eleven o'clock and we are about to leave. We gather with her Parents along with her Aunt and Uncle.

"Has anyone seen Hero?" Lori asks. "I saw him walk outside but I don't know if he left or not." I say nodding and Mercy's mom Jean nods, "He's more than likely just somewhere alive, we're going to drop you guys off at home and go to that banquet house okay?" Jean says and we nod and follow them outside in the car.

I hope Hero is save, he was drunk and it's late.

Mercy and I walk inside after they dropped us off and her arm is wrapped around me as I'm helping her get into the house. "Alright, c'mon" I say and open the door and then shut it and lift her up bride style and carry her up the stairs, strugging but trying and she laughs. "You are so sweet." she says and I laugh and then drop her onto her bed in our room. She's definitely drunk and as well am I but I feel as I am not as bad as I was.

I begin taking her heels off and then covering her up with her blanket and she's already passed out.

I then walk out and shut the door gently and slowly open his door and he's not in there. Shit.

I start panicking and then open his parents room and peak in and nothing, his Aunts room, nothing. I knock on the bathroom door and I open it to nothing. He obviously wasn't downstairs.

I need a glass of water, very cold water.

I rush downstairs and my feet are killing me from walking around in these heels all day and this dress is comfortable but sweatpants and t-shirt would be much better. I go to the kitchen and grab a glass out out of the cabinet and push it under the ice dispenser and just look around and then I take a look out the big clear window to the backyard and look away and then take a look again and then ice falls everywhere as I overfilled it. "Shit." I say and just grab my glass tben open the door the backyard. The big pool and the hot tub attached to it and all the fairy lights around it.

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