Pg. 1 || The beginning.

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Y/ns POV:
"Yup...we're cutting your pay 11 dollars an hour." My boss had told me "what do you mean...? You're cutting my pay?"

"I'm sorry L/N, sad to say your work literally sucks. I have to cut your pay 11 dollars an hour." My boss told me. He stood there, staring at me with a semi-sly grin plastered on his white pale b-tch of a face. "Well then, If that's it. you are dismissed L/N." He spoke again, walking out and closing the door behind him.

I stood there, breathing heavily. I walked over to the door, knocked on it. "Hello?! Boss! Open up, you can't just do that to me! I worked myself off overnight and all I get in return is for your ignorant self to lower my pay?! " I yelled, hoping he would open the door. But, he never did. All I heard was silence.

Eventually, I gave up. Walking away from the door, only feeling anger and disappointment. "Fucking asshole.." I muttered as I closed the lights and locked the place up for the night. I still don't have my drivers license, I have a skateboard and not to mention Rustics is on the bad side of town along with my apartment.

I couldn't help but cry as soon as I walked out and grabbed my skateboard. I shook my head. "I shouldn't cry over that asshole. It's not like anybody would want to go to that shitty place anyways.." I muttered to myself, hopping onto my board. I started riding kinda care free on the side walk until I bumped into a tall lanky boney man.

"Omg I'm so sorry!" I whispered going to the man's aid. "Hey it's not a problem!" He smiled, and started eating some gushers. I stood there confused as to why the man was eating before he stood up and introduced himself. "I'm Chandler!" He said as he placed his hand out for me to shake. "Y/n"

"Nice to meet you!" He said making me blush in the slightest bit. "Anyways uh.. I have to go..see you around Chandler." I looked at the tall man then hopped back onto my board and continued my way back to my apartment.

"Oh, already??.. uh...goodbye Y/n.." He watched as Y/n disappear from his sight. "Wait..ugh! I should've asked them for their number so we could stay in touch!" He realized, Chandler smacked himself on the head. He turned around, walking away in disappointment.

I arrived to my apartment and walked through the gates and doors up to the 5th floor. sure it was a long walk...i don't know where I was going with that I hated it here, there was mold on the wall and the walls were breaking down.

Even worse in the next three month the whole place is getting crushed so I also have to move, I started thinking about that guy chandler and couldn't get out of my head about knowing him.

I had definitely known this man from somewhere but one not quite sure where...I walked into my dark apartment and locked the door and went into my room changing from my rustic black T-shirt to a white spaghetti strap and black spandex. I went into the kitchen and put some bagel bites in the microwave.

After 2 minutes and 20 seconds of waiting the microwave started beeping. I got up and got the bagel bites sitting down on my couch not bothered to go to my bed.

As bad as the bagel bites were they're 100x better than 'Rustics food joint' that place really needs an upgrade, maybe they'll get more costumers if they made good food.

I turned on YouTube and picked the first video I saw. Some dude talking about walking all the way across the US to get to 'MrBeast', i didn't pay much attention as I should have but hell it's YouTube.

I finished my bagel bites and cleaned up the apartment a little by cleaning the dishes and sweeping, did a few loads of laundry out of pure boredom. I sighed "I can't move- I don't have the money..." I realized I had about 2 and a half months to find a new place.

"Really cut my check I was making 20 dollars and you cut it to 11!?" I threw a plate at the wall and it shattered. I cleaned up the broken glass and threw it out.

"I need a new job." I said as I sat down on the couch. I grabbed a random blanket I got for my moving in party and a couch pillow to use.

I quickly fell asleep only dreaming the perfect job would fall into my hands...but I doubt I'll be lucky enough to get it.


Hey! this is Juliet, I just needed to update this a little, this is no longer a collab book, it's just me. Thank you for taking ur time to read this! I love you all so much. Heres a short little schedule that can very much be changed.

Sunday: Working (End)

Monday: Break (Start)

Tuesday: Break (End)

Wednesday: Working (Start)

Thursday: Working (End)

Friday: Break (One day.)

Saturday: Working (Start)

My schedule is not always going to be true, I'm a dancer and have a lot of stuff on my plate. If I can't publish a chapter do not come at me...Remember all writers (especially wattpad writers) have a life outside of writing.

Have a good day!

Born in ny (Jimmy/MrBeast x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now