Chapter 32: Signal Flags

Start from the beginning

In the middle, the cloaked figure gave small nods, "We concur that that was, indeed, an unforeseen circumstance to warrant an investigation."

"An investigation?" Gojo's voice raised slightly, growing more and more shocked by the lack of concern for the situation, "So nothing has been done up to now?"

"No action has been taken."

"Have you all had your heads up your asses these past two weeks? My students could've all died on that mountain! And you're about to dismiss it as an 'unforeseen circumstance'?"

Identified earlier as Principal Gakuganji, the cloaked figure interlocked his fingers as he leaned forward. "Aren't you the very same who so adamantly insisted for Namie's role in society to be placed on hold to wait for proper timing in usage of their gift?", he asked in a haughty, know-it-all manner, quite irksome as his words jeered to the previous council meeting.

Unfortunately for all involved, Gojo is fluent in formidable one-liners capable of silencing all arguments to follow, "Kohaku is a child, not a scapegoat for the minor inconveniences of the Council's problems." It was a true blessing in disguise that the Council members present could not see his eyes; they were brimming with disdain. He was not finished, "And such that kid will not die as a pawn in the Council's game of checks and balances for the Jujutsu World."

"You should know by now that my students are the most important thing to me and I will do everything in my power to protect them. So when I find out that not just one, but two Unregistered Special Grade Curses interfered in a mission involving my students, I will get to the bottom of it and so pray for whatever I find down there."

"Satoru," The middle figure in charge warned, "You would do well to remember the very purpose for Namie's existence. Don't overstep into matters beyond your control."

"Beyond my control— that's amusing," Gojo scoffed. "There is nothing beyond my control when space and relativity bend to my every whim."

A loud thud ricocheted off the walls of the chamber as its boisterous reverberations echoed for several seconds after the initial impact of palms slamming against the table. In the echoes, the scraping of a chair's legs against the stone ground sounded in harmony. Standing just near the far left of the table was the cloaked figure who had caused the disturbance in proceedings. "Not even you are above the sacred script of Master Tengen! And when that day comes I cannot wait for it to strangle you with its bare hands." a woman yelled, viciously, as if she were cursing the very existence of Gojo.

"Your king reincarnate is dead!" He assertively shot back. "Where is this so-called prophecy now?"

"Clearly, the prophecy isn't as black and white as letters inked upon papyrus," the woman snapped, heated and leaning far over the table's edge just so her words didn't have to travel many inches to reach Gojo's ears; she wanted to make sure he heard her every breath, intonation, and click of her tongue even if all those sounds would bounce off every surface in the chamber without her unnecessary stance.

Gojo stood firm as he shifted the weight of his body to one side, directing his attention to her as he leveled his attitude, "No. It never was, but one thing certainly remains true. I am the Six Eyes and I can see that you're all full of shit." With a turn of his head, he made sure to include the rest of the Council with his pause. "If I wasn't on that mountain, it wasn't the great, foretold battle to prepare for. So perhaps you all should light a fire under your asses and get to investigating this anomaly before we have a bigger problem on our hands and the room is littered with more preventable deaths— Oh pardon me, 'unforeseen circumstances' as you put it."

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