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"No fucking way," Fat Amy stated after a pause of silence. "Captain?"

"Hold up, you're living with Aubrey Posen?" Stacie gaped.

"I did not see that one coming," Cynthia Rose mumbled.

"How did that happen?" Emily asked m.

Chloe's jaw was still dropped. She closed it with a slight frown.

Her two best friends have been dating for three years and she didn't even notice, not even in the slightest that they were together.

She felt like a terrible friend.

"Friends with benefits," Beca affirmed with a nod and Aubrey elbowed her. "What? It's true." Aubrey rolled her eyes.

"Lots of sexual frustration built up and we took it out on each other and became friends with benefits for a while before getting together."

"Aubrey wouldn't own up and admit her feelings," Beca grumbled.

"Says you. You could've did it," Aubrey countered, glancing at her.

"I did do it! What do you mean?" She laughed and then looked at the baffled girls. "I'm the one with the balls."

"I think I'd know if you have balls." The other girls gaped again. Who would have thought that stuck up Aubrey Posen would be making sexual innuendos.

"How'd you know you had major toners for each other?" Jessica asked and Beca rolled her eyes at the word 'toner.' Jessica was very interested as she set her elbow on the table, resting her head on her hand, looking at the two.

"Probably different stories for us," Aubrey guessed. "I realized I had feelings for her one day while I was studying and she made me take a break," Aubrey looked at Beca fondly. "You brought me food, hot chocolate, and a flower. It was the sweetest thing."

It's been a month and a half since they started this friends with benefits thing and it was great.

They got to have a lot of sex, releasing lots of frustration, which helped Aubrey's anger.

Along with that, it helped the captain get closer to the alt girl, helping her dislike and anger towards her, which in return, helped the Bellas.

A win, win situation basically.

Lots of sex, a new friend, and less complications with her group.

Since this deal has been going on, Aubrey and Beca have been hanging out a lot more often.

Mainly to Cafe's for coffee, or in Aubrey's case, hot chocolate, the library, which was mainly Beca following after Aubrey for some book she would need, and lots of takeout in Beca's dorm.

Today, Aubrey told Beca that she couldn't hang out because she had to study.

What a shitty reason not to hang out, Beca huffed.

Beca sat down at her desk where she had been mixing, biting a pencil and looked at the time. It's six in the afternoon and Aubrey texted her at around nine in the morning, saying she was off to the library to study.

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