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The last class of the day ends. Seonghwa and Hongjoong stand outside of the class and stare at San's face, deep in thought.

"You go home. Me and Hongjoong will keep an eye on Haerin until you're home and have locked yourself in properly. Then we'll go to our own homes to pack clothes before going to your house. Sound good?" Seonghwa suggests.

San chuckles but nods anyway. "As dramatic as you guys are being, I understand. I'll text you when I've locked all my doors and windows."

Seonghwa knows that Haerin spends her spare time at the lounge area, and stays on campus for an hour after class ends to wait for her train. 

Hongjoong and Seonghwa rush to the lounge, eager to see Haerin's face to make sure she's still here as she should be. To their relief, she sits at her own table, deep in thought as she does homework with headphones on her ears.

"Are you sure you feel okay with being so close to her?" Hongjoong whispers to Seonghwa, even though they're sitting on the opposite side of the room to her. If Seonghwa's being honest, he does not feel comfortable to be in the same room as her at all. He wouldn't want to see her face ever again.

He only prays mentally that she won't notice him and approach him. Every time she sees him, she tries something gross or violating. 

His thoughts come to an abrupt halt when he feels a warm hand sit atop his. He turns to Hongjoong and red flows to his stunned face. "I can watch her alone. You can go somewhere else if you'd like," Hongjoong offers with the most heart warming smile.

Unlike with Haerin, Hongjoong's touch feels delicate and pure. It provides Seonghwa with comfort and not disgust.

"It's alright. I want to stay here with you," he expresses, hoping that his extra feelings can be conveyed at the same time.

They smile while staring into each other's eyes before returning their attention to their laptop screens as they pretend to do homework. Their eyes keep flicking to Haerin occasionally, only to find her in the same position, supposedly working hard at her work.

After a while, Seonghwa begins to get impatient. He checks the time and bites the inside of his cheek. San probably just left the college campus yet Seonghwa can't shake off the feeling that something horrible is about to happen.

He takes a deep breath while glancing at Haerin, still in the same position. If she's still here, then San should be safe, right? He should just wait for the text.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to call San for you?" Hongjoong offers. Seonghwa gulps and turns his head robotically. "Y-Yes," he forces out, heart racing too fast to let the words leave his throat.

Hongjoong rubs Seonghwa's back in a soothing manner gently with one hand as he dials San's number with the other. As much as Seonghwa would want to experience the butterflies from Hongjoong's actions, he can only sit in fear and stare at Hongjoong with anticipation as they wait for San to pick up. 


Both Hongjoong and San hear the voice on the other end of the line and both release a sigh of relief.

"San? Where are you? Is everything okay?" Hongjoong asks in rapid succession, not allowing his eyes to let Haerin get away for even a moment.

However, the next words both Seonghwa and Hongjoong hear shatters their temporary sense of security.

"Are you a relative of his? Please hurry to the location I'm about to text you, he's been in an accident and we're waiting for the ambulance to arrive! This phone was on the road beside the car!"

All colour drains from Seonghwa's face. He feels his stomach twist and his heart plummet. His breathing only gets more shallow and quickened, while his mouth only get more dry. Both Seonghwa and Hongjoong instantly shoot up in their places and throw their things into their bags, not even caring if anything breaks anymore.

"Thank you, please send the location quickly," Hongjoong calmly asks into the phone, though his expression tells his true emotion. He cuts the call and the two boys run out of the building as fast as they can.

As they're running across the campus in the direction of the exit, Hongjoong receives the location on his phone and he freezes in his tracks.

"This is right outside the exit of the campus," he pants, still in disbelief. Seonghwa's eyes widen. San didn't even get far before getting into the accident.

Neither of the boys hesitate before sprinting to the exit as fast as they can, Hongjoong taking the lead once they do reach the main road.

They run along the increasing line of traffic and when Hongjoong starts to slow down, Seonghwa also slows.

There are a few people scattered around a car that has completely collided with a tree on the side of the road. Dark smoke floats in a thick line from the front of the car to the sky.

What hurts way more is that Seonghwa could instantly recognise the car from afar to be San's. The closer he gets, the more damage he's able to see. The entire front of the car has been compressed from the sheer force of the car speeding into the tree, and judging by the amount of damage, the car was going fast. The windows of both the front and the back seats are completely shattered, the small sharp shards sparkling under the unsettling bright sun.

Seonghwa slowly approaches the front of the car and peeks into the driver's seat. He can only gasp before his knees suddenly lose all strength as he collapses onto the ground. He can't get the image out of his mind.

San's bloodied, unconscious body. His body was slumped forward and the airbag in front had deflated a little, also covered in a layer of his blood. His face was planted into the airbag, leaving an eerie scene of a faceless man lying scarily still. If it weren't for the extremely slight movement in San's chest from his breathing, it would be easy to mistaken him as dead. His legs were nowhere to be seen as the interior of the crushed car covered them nearly completely. The painfully horrible sight is something Seonghwa can't shake off.

That's what you get for thinking of Seonghwa too much. I hope you never have the ability to think ever again.

Sorry for hurting San :33
Also I'm out of the country and in my time zone it's Wednesday so :33

I Need You | Seonghwaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن