Unconditional Love ≫ Bone x Female! Daredevil! Reader

Start from the beginning

"Stupid wench," He snarled. "Get off of me!" He vaulted his hind paws into your gut mercilessly, causing your claws to rip free of his flesh as you were hurtled across the alley and into a brick wall. You groaned, opened your eyes and heaving yourself to your paws. The intruder was standing across from you, his orange tabby fur bristling furiously. "Now you've done it, sweetheart!" With that, he thrusted himself forward with his powerful hind legs, tackling you yo the ground and biting into your scruff with bone-crushing strength. You let out a sharp cry, heaving yourself up and tearing a massive chunk of your scruff off in the process.

You turned to face him, still full of rage and fight despite your sore stomach and the blood seeping down the sides of your neck. You had had enough of this jerk. "GET OUT!" You snarled, lunging forward and raking your claws across his eye. He reeled back with a snarl, clutching his right eye with his paw.

"Fine," He growled, lashing his tail and casting an intimidated glance at Bone, who was now standing a few feet away from you and glaring at the intruder. "You win this time, you vile wench. But I'll be back." Then, he turned and scrambled to the top of the metal trashcans and disappeared onto the roof of a building. Once he was gone, you let your shoulders slump. You couldn't seem to catch your breath, and the more you tried, the more light-headed you felt.

"You're an idiot," Bone snapped, turning to face you. "What were you thinking? He would've ripped your throat out if it wasn't for..." He trailed off, as if he decided what he was about to say wasn't a good idea.

"If it wasn't for what?" You retorted, in too much pain to fight with him.

"Uh... Nothing." He replied, giving his pelt a shake. "Let's get you home, alright? You look like you've been dragged through hell."

Bone's POV

Bone watched as (Y/N) curled up and fell into a deep sleep, the deep wound on her neck still bleeding slightly. He sighed and gently stroked her hind leg with his tail. "What am I gonna do with you?" She didn't reply, of course, only curled deeper into the old blanket and murmured something unintelligible. With another sigh, Bone rose to his paws and padded out of the cardboard box, plopping down and letting his shoulders slump.

"How is she?" Brick had approached him from his perch on the chain link fence. His amber eyes were glazed over with concern.

"She's gonna be fine," Bone replied in a mutter. "I just wish she would stop picking fights with everyone she comes across."

Brick chuckled. "A fighter, she is. Real feisty gal." Bone chuckled, wrapping his bushy tail around his paws and straightening up a little. He began to wonder what would've happened if he hasn't been with her when they encountered the intruder. He shuddered. He didn't want to know. He'd seen the way the orange tabby looked at him. There had been fear in his eyes.

"We all know she's only alive because of you, Bone," Brick meowed, lowering his voice. "If you weren't there tonight, I think she woulda been that rogue's dinner."

"I know," Bone sighed, casting a glance back towards the box where (Y/N) was fast asleep. "I can't keep an eye on her all the time. It scares me to death, Brick. I'd die if something happened to her." Brick just nodded. Bone rose to his paws, padding over to the flap of the box.

"Take care of her, Bone," Brick meowed. "She needs you."

Bone chuckled. "Yeah. I will." Then, he slipped inside and curled up next to (Y/N) and closed his eyes. She was a pain in the tail, but he could never take his eyes off of her.

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