Chapter 14^2: Like mother, Like daughter.

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Still the Cafe wasn't open, still no motivation.
When will everything change?
Anyone can change,

Like was mentioned earlier still not open, she didn't even wanna move, get up, or do anything..

She checked her phone on the bed side table. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

She sent multiple texts, why isn't he responding?..

Does he not like her anymore?..

I can't tell anything apart anymore..

*Knock knock*

The knocking sound echoed throughout the room.

Bubble: come in...

She mumbled, her face still in her pillow.

Who could it be?..

Her mother.

She walked towards the side of bubble's bed.

Lilian: hey honey, you awake?..

Bubble didn't respond.

Lilian: are you okay?..

Bubble: I'm fine mom..

Lilian: are you sure? I've noticed you've been more down lately. Even your father has begun to worry..

Bubble: ...why would he care? And why do you care. You never cared in the first place..

Her mother sat on the edge of her bed.

Lilian: we did it for a reason..

Bubble: did what for a reason?! Ignore me?! Hurt me?! Turned me into a- a monster?!

Lilian: ... Honey, you know none of that is true..

Bubble quickly sat up from her bed.

Bubble: everything's true, what I just said it's true! I just hate myself... everything's my fault...

She curled up into a little ball and started to sob.

Her mother scooted over and gave her a hug.

Lilian: don't blame anything on yourself if...if it's anyone's fault it's mine..

She hugged her tightly.

Lilian: hey if it makes you feel better, I have stuff planned for us today. So we can y'know hang out like we used to?..

Bubble sniffed.

Bubble: w-what about C-Charlotte and Eli?..

Lilian: I dropped them off at a day care, so we don't have to pick them up until later :3..

Bubble: are they okay?..

Lilian: oh of course their okay! They were so happy when we got there! :>

Bubble: o-oh :3..
(I still worry, I don't know why...)

Lilian: So get ready, I'll be waiting :>

Her mother gave her another quick hug and left the room.

(People do really change...)

(But not always in a good way..)

After bubble finished changing into her normal gear, she bid her goodbyes to ginger and cream. As the two cats fled to the window.

Her mother waited in the living room on her phone. Which was weird, father never let her have a phone...

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