3 - Chalk.

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5 weeks earlier

Water Balloon's/#103's POV

I woke up finding Chalk at the side of my bed, nudging my side with his hand, I sit up and smile at him. "Wubs! You know what today is, right," he asked me, I think for a moment until it hits me, "new... object... day...?" He nods aggressively and drags me out of my bed, into the door-room. The others are all gathered around, waiting for the door to open. This was always an eventful day. 

We stood there for quite a while before the door opened and one of the larger creatures entered, they scared me but the others didn't appear to have as many worries about them as I did, everyone watched as it placed a new object on the ground, the object was small and round in shape, it seemed metallic yet plasticy. The smaller object looked around at everyone, it was still shaky, couldn't blame them, they were pretty much just created. It slowly stumbled around the room while the creature walked over to me and Chalk, it crouched down to be closer to our size, as best it could being massive, I froze in fear but Chalk looked at it with a peaceful smile. The creature rubbed a finger across the top of Chalk and spoke up, "only two more days, #097," two more days? I didn't get what it meant by that but before I could think about it further the creature spoke again, "you'll get to leave the nursery," Chalk's smile dropped, he looked at me and then back at the creature, "oh." The creature turned to me, giving me a pitying expression, "don't worry, #103, you wont be apart for too long, you'll get to leave soon, as well." That didn't help with my worries, that meant we'd be apart for... weeks. I couldn't leave him, he was the only object who spoke to me, who spent time with me. I leaned on Chalk's side, keeping my face away from the large creature, I felt a hand go over my head, I assumed it was Chalk's. I heard the creature walk away and lifted my face away from Chalk, he began walking back to the sleeping room, making sure I was close behind him. 

He sat down on his bed and placed his hands over his face, I sat down next to him and leaned on his shoulder. I heard Chalk let out an audible sigh into his hands, I could tell he was shaking, I mean in two days he'd be gone. I didn't want him to leave but I had no choice, I don't have any choice here, he'll be taken away and I'll be alone. He'll be out of the nursery living his best life with the others who've left and I'll just be here... being alone... for weeks. I felt something wet roll down my face, I thought I was crying until I felt arms wrap around me and realised my eyes were dry. Chalk was crying into my side, I wish I was better at comforting people but it was usually Chalk helping me instead of... this. The two of us sat there for a while, Chalk sobbing into me without letting go and me just sitting there, unsure on what to do, or even feel.

Two days passed. Chalk had gotten really depressed within that time, I was trying to do my best to help and comfort him but I don't think it worked, it didn't matter anymore, today was the day. Chalk and I walked out to the door-room, where everyone was already gathered. I looked up at Chalk, who's expression was something I'd never seen from him before, he didn't have any expression on his face, it was just blank, he was just staring. "...I'm gonna miss you, but... it's only for a few weeks," I spoke up in an attempt to comfort him, "I'll do my best to find you once it's my day. I promise." He turned to look at me after that last sentence and I watched as a small smile appeared across his face, it wasn't very noticeable, but if you were paying attention you could see it clearly. The door opened and the large creature entered the room, I froze in fear and watched as it scooped Chalk up and carried him out of the room. That smile was the last time I had seen Chalk.

Present day

Makeup-Brush's/#083's POV

I got out of bed, and to my surprise, I wasn't shaky or unbalanced at all, no nausea either. I walked over to the dresser and stared at myself in the mirror, it was definitely me in there... when did I look so tired? Might just be because I just woke up but I looked... exhausted. Didn't matter, what mattered was that today was trial testing day, I hate trial testing, it always hurts for a day after it's over. The speaker turned on.

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