1 - Welcome to CRISKER

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Makeup-Brush's/#083's POV

A throbbing headache woke me up, causing my body to jerk into the sitting up position. I looked down at my hands, but something was off, they were blurry, now that I was fully conscious I realised it wasn't just my hands, everything around me was blurry. What was wrong with my eyesight? I got out of bed and attempted to walk over to my door, only to fail by stumbling over my legs, I smacked face-first into the ground and let out a groan of annoyance. It took me a few minutes to get back onto my feet, and even when I did my legs still felt somewhat wobbly and hard to walk on. I tried to keep myself stable by holding onto my dresser, the metal box felt cool to the touch yet sharp around the corners and edges. I blinked a few times, my vision was slowly becoming less blurry by the second, that was good, I couldn't imagine having to be around someone I could barely see. My mind began to ponder around what could have caused this, thinking about if I'd eaten or taken anything strange, and then it hit me. The new medication they'd put me on yesterday, I knew something was wrong with that syringe, the liquid seemed like it was a different shade than normal but I'd brushed it off at the time as it just being the lighting making my eyes see it differently. Now I knew that couldn't be the case, they had to have given me a different medication, the only question now was why. I'd ask them when they took me out for "socialisation and testing." I slowly removed my hand from the dresser, my legs still felt a bit shaky and my vision would occasionally get blurry, but I think I'd be able to move around properly now.

2 hours passed and no one had came to check on me yet, had I woken up early? No I couldn't have. Could I? I assume I did, it doesn't seem like my alarm's gone off yet. Yeah, I've woken up early, I should've put 2 and 2 together by now. Guess I'd been too preoccupied with the blurred vision and shakiness. All of that had worn off now, finally. I guess the messed up sleep schedule was bound to happen again, if there was no alarms I doubt anyone would know what time it was.

Another hour of waiting passed, I was beginning to get worried, what if we had a physical training activity today and I failed? I really don't want to return to the X.R.S. Chamber, I don't think I could survive it. I paced around my room, mind filling with worries about what might happen if I truly had woken up too early. It seemed that just as my anxieties had hit their highest point...

Bzzt. Beep.

My alarm went off and the speaker inside began talking, "The time is now 6:30AM, wait for your assigned staff member to bring you to your assigned location for the next 8 hours."


And so, just like the announcement had said, I waited for a few minutes until the staff member arrived and guided me to the O.B.. I entered the metal door and found my spot in a corner, just like always. The O.B. was a weird room, it had blue-painted walls with splots of white placed randomly around it, the ground was made of this weird spiky green plastic material that some of the staff members referred to as "artificial grass" when they thought we weren't listening. I moved my hand through some of the "grass" while I waited on the others, if I remembered the schedules right, Tissue should be in my group today, exciting. Tissue was... certainly an odd creature, however they were my only friend in this place. An oversized ball of tissue fabric with an overly-cheery personality that doesn't really suit this facility, I can't really blame her though, the staff pumped her bloods full of this stuff they call "liquid serotonin." I sat there for a few more minutes before 2 more objects entered the room, Tissue and Doorknob. Doorknob didn't say a word to either of us and walked over to their usual corner, meanwhile Tissue came bolting over to me, did a few spins, and sat down beside me. I gave her a small smile, she grinned back. "Brushy! How've you been," she asked me, "I've been better," I replied, not looking directly at her eyes. "Oh? What's wrong," she stared at me with concerned yet bright eyes, I sigh, "just not having the best day today, the walls feel extra... dark... today," I lie, despite her being my best friend I couldn't just tell her about this morning. "Oh, yeah I get it, sometimes life just gets down on you like that," she said, in the happiest tone imaginable for what they'd just said, we sat there in silence for a few moments before the door opening broke that silence. An object was pushed into the room, an object I'd never seen before. It was short and somewhat reddish in colour with a small tint of brown-green below their... outer layer...? The shorter object also appeared to not have any arms, they seemed to get more nervous with every second they stood awkwardly in the room. I glanced at Tissue, she had this sort of gleam in her eyes, "well, we should introduce ourselves!" Tissue got up and bounded over to the new object, I followed behind shortly after she'd began speaking to them. "...Oh, and this is Brush," Tissue gestured her arms towards me, I gave an awkward small wave, "hi," they finally spoke up, "I'm, uh, Water Balloon, I think... that's what the... the big creatures said I was." Wow, they already knew their name, "nice to meet you... Water Balloon," I said, I wasn't the biggest fan of meeting or speaking to new things, Tissue stared at Water Balloon intently, "hm," she turned to look at me, "don't you think that name is awfully long? I'd say they need a nickname," she grinned and turned back to Water Balloon, I sigh. "What's that...? I've never heard of something like... that," Water Balloon said, Tissue replied, "it's like a name that isn't your name! Something easier for us to call you, cause... water balloon is a bit of a tongue twister," Water Balloon looked away from us for a second and then looked back, "I guess that makes sense," Tissue made a weird face, looked like she was deep in thought. "Aha! Balloon! It's similar but waaay easier," Tissue exclaimed, "...isn't that just... half of my name," Balloon asked, I sighed, "she does this kind of thing all the time."

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