Chapter 1: Mine or yours?

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With a quick move, I pushed the door to my favorite bar open. After a very exhausting and annoying day at work, all I needed was some booze to forget about my boss and his expectations and to have some fun. Thus, I instantly made my way to the bar and sat down in front of it. "The same as always?", the bartender asked as he saw me. Yes, I might have been there quite often in the past weeks so that most of the bartenders knew me and also my favorite drinks by now. "The same as always", I answered grinningly.

"Here you are, one gin and tonic", the bartender – his name was Matti – said while placing the glass on the bar in front of me. I quickly thanked him before I took a sip of the cocktail. Tasting the alcohol felt good, I had missed this and the relaxation I felt due to it. As I was waiting for the second cocktail I had ordered, I let my gaze wander to the small dance floor in the back part of the bar. I wondered whether I should go there, sometimes dancing was pretty fun and since there seemed to be some pretty handsome men, I saw the opportunity to have a fun night.

But before I could go there, I could feel a warm breath hitting the skin of my neck. "What a pretty lady. Maybe I could order you another drink, maybe a tequila? Or do you wanna drink something of my cocktail? You can have it, I don't need more booze. I can tell you, it'll be great", a man's voice murmured close to my ear and suddenly I could feel a hand on my thigh. Was this life's reaction on my wish to have fun tonight? Well, that's definitely not what I wanted, I didn't need anyone to touch me so close to my crotch as the first touch. Especially not in the combination with those words. Wasn't this screaming for an illegal act, a try to make me numb to be able to fuck me, whether I wanted it or not?

As I turned around to look at the man, I first saw some blond hair hanging in front of my eyes. As the man now lifted his head, I could see it wasn't even a young man but someone who probably was in his fifties. Disgusting. "No, I'm not interested in anything with you", I clearly stated but the man didn't want to listen. "I'm sure I could convince you with my abilities", he again tried to get me but it made my mood even worse. "Oh, fuck off", I said loudly and turned around, preparing myself to slap his cheek but luckily, it wasn't necessary, the man finally seemed to get that he had no chance with me.

Since I now wasn't in the mood to dance anymore, I ordered one beer after another to get drunk and hopefully more relaxed. While doing that, I still watched the people on the dance floor in case I'd later go there. But being here at the bar, drinking some booze alone was quite boring to me, I needed some action and some fun. "So, tell me, what is the reason you're here today? Need someone new to have fun with?", Matti luckily now started a conversation. There weren't that many people who ordered drinks anymore so he seemed to have time for me.

"I dunno... My boss was mad at me again and threatened that if I won't be better and successful, he'll fire me", I sighed. "Now I need some distraction and fun to forget him and his stupid expectations. I guess I wouldn't mind if a man was involved in that." Well, I definitely wouldn't mind to have fun with a man but since I was still on my period, that probably wouldn't happen. "What is it this time? What did you do that he's not pleased with your work? Again, an older woman you didn't want to sell unnecessary stuff?", Matti asked interested.

"No. A single mother with three children who can barely pay for the rent and their food. Yeah, I work in a call center but only because I need money myself and no-one else wanted to hire me, I mean, even the grocery stores said I didn't meet the requirements to work there. But I'm still a human, if someone is this poor, I can't try to convince them to buy more technical devices or switch to a more expensive internet provider. That's not possible with my idea of morality. However, my boss doesn't care about that so he didn't even listen to me when I wanted to explain why I didn't even try to sell her something."

"I guess that's the problem with call centers... The people working there know that what they do is not good but they need to do it because they need money and the bosses would fire them if they didn't sell enough. It's good that people like you exist who still have an idea of morality and at least try to not use too poor families for their own money. But now, have some fun. Unfortunately, I need to do my work again, too, but I think there are some men you could like on the dance floor. If you're not completely drunk yet, you could go there and have some fun", Matti suggested.

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