Chapter 2: That blonde singer from that violent pop band

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Content warning: Smut. If you don't feel comfortable reading that, you can skip to the middle of the chapter. There will be an information where you can start reading again.

A few minutes later, the taxi stopped in front of the high apartment complex I was living in. After we had paid, the man and I immediately walked to the door but before I could use the key in my hand and open it, I was pushed against the door and kissed heavily. "The longer you push me against the door, the longer it'll take us to get in my apartment", I mumbled in between some kisses. „I know. But I wanted another kiss."

He then took a step back and let me open the door but as we had entered the building, he started kissing me again and let his hands wander from hips upwards so that we could only stumble upstairs. Eventually, we reached my apartment door that he quickly opened after I had handed him my keys. Inside, he immediately pushed me against the wall and slid his hands under my top. While his hands started massaging my boobs through the bra I wore, he slightly lifted his knee, spread my legs with it and pushed the knee against my middle.

A few seconds later, my top was thrown away and he held his arms up so that I could quickly pull the shirt he was wearing, a black one saying "anxiety" and having a spider underneath the lettering, over his head. "Where's your bedroom?", the man murmured while sucking on the skin of my neck. "My bed is behind the corner", I answered quietly. This apartment contained only a bathroom and one room that was hallway, kitchen, living room and bedroom at the same time but although it was very small, I was happy with it. "Okay", he mumbled before he pushed me in said direction until I landed on my bed.

On our way there, my bra followed our shirts to the floor. The moment he reached for my panties, I remembered what I had forgotten before. „Fuck. I forgot something... I... I'm on my period. It's not strong anymore but still there so..." Suddenly, all of my confidence was like blown away, I felt shy and uncomfortable, almost afraid that this man would now hate me for not telling him and not being able to sleep with me because he didn't want to sleep with a stranger who's on her period.

The moment I said that, the man quickly lifted his head and looked at me. „You what?!" I knew it. I knew he didn't want to sleep with me anymore, just the tiniest drop of blood could scare a man away. I mean, somehow, I could understand it, blood wasn't the nicest liquid, especially if it's the one of a stranger but on the other hand, it's something so normal. There are billions of women who regularly blood so why is it a topic everyone avoids?

"Okay. Fuck it. That's nothing disgusting, I can deal with that. I have to be able to deal with that 'cause I fucking need you right now, I don't care. Do you have a towel to place underneath us in case something's gonna... drip?", the man added after a few seconds of silence and looked at me. Now I was the one being surprised because I definitely didn't expect him to be fine with that but even better because I needed him just as much as he needed me. I couldn't wait to feel this man, whoever he was, finally taking me.

Half a minute later, we were fully naked and lay on my bed. During a deep kiss, he rolled himself on top of me, spread my legs widely and while one of his hands was playing with my nipples, he placed the other one on my core. "You're so wet already", the man murmured before he started to move his fingers in circular shapes on my clit. A quiet moan escaped my lips as he pushed two of his long fingers inside and kept satisfying my clit with his thumb.

To not be too loud, I quickly connected our lips and started another fight for dominance with his tongue. My hand found its way to his arousal and after moving my hand up and down for a while, we both were ready and also in the need for more. "Condoms are in the drawer next to my bed", I told him but he was already reaching for his pants where he seemed to have a condom in the pocket. A few seconds later, the package was opened and I rolled the condom on his member.

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