Things Change (3)

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Author's POV

Joong didn't mean it, those words is a lie. His heart have always been Dunk's. But he is scared, he don't want people to hate him for loving the same gender.

Something on Dunk's study desk catch his eyes. A scrapbook, that is full with their pictures. Joong clenched his hand.

Dunk didn't come back that night, and even until this morning. With a heavy heart, Joong leave for his classes.

"You said what?!" Thor shouted, attracted people's attention.

"Joong, you are in Thailand now. Nobody will judge you!" View said.

"I am scared"

"Move on from your past, let the bad memories left in Turkey. Don't bring it along" Thor tapped Joong's shoulder.

"Find Dunk, and confess" View shooed Joong away.

10p.m, and Joong still couldn't find Dunk.

On the other side, Dunk is a bloody mess. A gang consists of 7 guy beat him up behind an illegal bar.

"You dare to tell me that you want to quit?"

"Did you forgot our agreement? You can only quit when you die" The boss smirked.

JJ and Winny is in Dunk's shared room, sitting in front of Joong.

"Dunk asked us to told you if we didn't get any news from him tonight" JJ started first.

"Dunk is a drug dealer. Only we knows about it. Dunk was struggling with his life a year after you moved. His dad has a lot of debt, and his dad died before he could settle any of it. Dunk and his mom received death threat if they could not pay for the debt.

Dunk didn't have any option, he paid the debt by working for them. But now that you are back, he decided to quit. He want to be the old Dunk, the Dunk that you knew before you left" Winny explained.

"Yes, but to quit is not easy. They have an agreement, in which Dunk could never quit" JJ added.

"AND YOU ARE JUST TELLING ME NOW?" Joong shouted, quickly grabbing important things and wear his shoes.

"Where do you want to go?" JJ asked.

"Find Dunk! He might be in danger. Both of you follow me, and Winny, call the police. We might need them" Joong commanded. He could feel his heart pumping fast.

The scene that they witnessed are horrible. Dunk is lying weakly on the floor, protecting his face while those guy beat him up with no mercy.

"Dunk" Joong said. The beating stopped.

"J-Joong," Dunk said while trying to get up. Joong is about to run to his side but stopped when the boss point his gun at Dunk's back.

"Joong? Any last words for Dunk?" The boss asked.

"Baby I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I know these words can't satisfy you. But I'm so sorry, the truth is, I love you" (A/N, My Name - Baby I'm Sorry) Joong said, face full with tears.

"Remember my promises? Will you be my boyfriend" Joong continued in a shaky voice. Dunk nodded weakly.

"Whenever you call you know that I'm right by your side. I'll be there" (A/N, The Ark - The Light) Dunk said and smiled brightly before he close his eyes forever.

Sounds of gunshot and sirens echoing along the street.

Joong is a crying mess, screaming his lung out, beat his own self in hope that it could subside his heartache. But it couldn't, it won't.

Joong lock his heart since then, and throw away the key. His heart has gone along with Dunk. He spend most of his time alone, away from everyone. He love it when he is alone, because that is the only time where he can feel Dunk's presence.

"Don't shed tears in any situation,
Each drop is too precious,
Lean on me, I'll hold your hand,
Even if the world turns its back on us,
We're in this for life"

~The ARK - The Light~

JoongDunk // KluenNuea Compilation حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن