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Lucas's pov
My eyes slowly open as the sunlight beams through my bedroom. It's the first day of 7th grade. Summer went by fast, considering, I spent it with Mike,Will and Dustin.

My thoughts get interrupted as i hear Mike
on the Walkie-Talkie, "Lucas meet at
Wills house so we can bike to school,

"Okay over and out".I decided it was time to get ready  for school. I rub my eyes so they can adjust to the brightness of the room and walk over to the bathroom across from my room .

I look in the mirror at my dark brown Afro that was matted down from my pillow. My dark brown eyes shiny from the ceiling light distracting  me from getting in the shower.

I eventually,turn the hot water on and grab my towel from the shelf. After my shower,I walk towards my closet and pick out an outfit. I decided on a dark red sweater that had white stripes on the sleeves, a black belt, and khaki pants.

I look in the mirror as I comb out my matted hair. I  run to the kitchen and grab a granola
bar for the rode knowing I don't have time to eat. I quickly tie my shoes knowing that I'm going to be late.

I lock the door behind me and shut the screen door.I run to the garage and grab my bike, I hop on my bike and head to My destination, Wills house.

The cold breeze brushed against my face
making me shiver . I ride  by all the houses
looking at each one seeing if anything new is
happening im Hawkins.

I pass by a house that I don't recognize."Must be a new house that was just built"  I think to myself. I finally make it to wills house and stop outside the house.

I knock on the door and Dustin opens the door,"Finally  you took like three years" I roll my eyes and walk into the house to see Johnathan making breakfast.

Johnathan is Wills older brother. He's very chill in my opinion and very protective of Will. Mike and Will look my way and wave.

Johnathan says we have 10 minutes to eat, so I sit down next to Dustin  as Johnathan makes my plate with eggs,I didn't expect him to make me a plate though. I did just have a granola

I stuff some eggs in my mouth and began to chew. Dustin's surprisingly starts talking about  the house that I passed on my way to Wills. "Has anyone else seen that White House that's now near Wills house?" Dustin says.

" Yeah I've seen it I'm pretty sure  it's new or was originally for sell" I say, " Well it's time to go " Mike says kinda changing the subject, we all thank Johnathan for the food and walk out the house.We all get on our bikes off of the side walk and head towards Hawkins middle.

(500 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝖽𝗌)

𝖧𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝗍𝗈 𝖧𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍;𝖫𝗎𝗆𝖺𝗑Where stories live. Discover now