its not a big deal (wm)

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Thank you for the request yelenaskate I hope this was okay for u! Also thank you once again for all the love eon this story! I really enjoy reading all your guys comments, and again if you have any requests, please let me know!

Riley is 14


I didn't tell my Mom or Dad much about my love life, and if I'm being honest, I don't think they know that I've even had my first kiss.

I would just feel kinda awkward telling them about my love life, so when I lost my virginity to my boyfriend of three months, I obviously didn't tell them.

I mean, who wants to have THAT conversation with there parents?! I already know the whole 'safe sex' thing, and I know to be careful.

But I just know that Mom and Dad would just go COMPLETELY over the top, and it honestly wasn't that much of a big deal.

Yeah me and my friends had a hyper moment over it, but we've all lost ours by now, so we never make a huge deal over it besides hyping each other up.

I'm not a slut. I just enjoy having a good time, and going to parties. My friend Eliza is definitely more of a slut than I am. She shags any boy she meets while I have only had sex with Jason a few times while I've been at his house.

"Riley, boys, dinner!" I hear my Mom shout from downstairs.

I shoot up off my bed and run out into the hallway, where I meet my brothers who are doing the same thing.

"Last one there doesn't get the good garlic bread bits!" Tommy shouts, using his super speed to run down the stairs.

"Fucking cheater!" I holler, using my powers to fly into the kitchen, earning a groan of annoyance from Billy who couldn't fly or run really fast.

"Hey! What did I say about powers in the house?" Mom scolds as me and Tommy zoom into the kitchen.

"Sorry, Mom!" We both apologise, diving across the table and grabbing the good pieces of garlic bread, just as Billy comes running in.

"You guys are such cheats." Billy huffs, sitting down harshly onto his usual chair next to his brother, and grabbing the end parts of the garlic bread.

"Your just too slow." Tommy teases, as Dad walks in from work.

"Afternoon, boys, Ri, Wanda." He greets, giving Mom a kiss.

"Hi, Dad." We all chorus, already tucking into our dinner.

"Could you three be any messier?" Mom asks with a chuckle, as we gradually spread sauce and crumbs all over the table.

We all mumble a sorry through our full mouths, as light chatter flows between us.

"Oh Billy, did you tell Mom and Dad about that girl you have a crush on in school?" I ask my brother, sending him a subtle smirk.

Billy's face pales as he turns to glare at me. "Riley!" He hisses. "I told you not to tell anyone!"

"Oh! My baby's first crushhhh!" Mom awes, making Billy blush profusely as me and Tommy laugh at him.

"Good on you, son." Dad pats him on the back, which made him shrink even more into himself.

"Mommm! Dadddd!" Billy groans, trying to hide out of embarrassment.

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