Chapter 6

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Juvia's pov

So basically this has been the worst game Juvia has ever played. The only reason why Juvia is here because MiraJane promised that Gray-Sama will love Juvia and not love rival.

Just imagine it, Juvia and Gray-Sama. together. "Juvia, let's ditch this stupid game and go on a date!"

"R-really Gray-Sama?!?" But just as Juvia was about to say yes, he suddenly has flowers and is about to ask Juvia something. And then this happened...


"How may Juvia help you?" Juvia tried not to sound mad that who ever snapped me back to reality.

"Juvia truth or dare?!" Someone interrupted Juvia's fabulous, love filled thoughts just to ask a damn question. -_-*(a/n: I forgot who did the last dare so I'm just gonna say it's Natsu taking)

"Ummm...Dare!" I tried to be as excited as possible to hide my annoyance.

"Hmm okay I was hoping you'd pick truth... SO LETS GET HELP FROM YOUR FAVORITE BLUE CAT!"

This is going to be fun. *note the sarcasm*

Happy and Natsu have been huddled for the past 5 minutes leaving the rest of us with noting to do but wait.

Hour 1

It's now been an hour and they haven't decided.

Hour 5

Most people are asleep now including Juvia's Gray-Sama.

Hour 10


Hour 20

Mira, who had been awake this entire time, looked just about ready to murder. So, she went up to Natsu and well you know the rest.

Shortly after Mira beat some sense into them, she woke up everyone by bashing pots and pans in their faces, to hear what Juvia is guessing would be the stupidest dare ever created.


"GET ON WITH IT NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR PAIN!" A voice screamed who I'm guessing was Erza.

" to continue... Juvia, we dare you to switch clothes with Lucy!"

"Sorry but Juvia is not very fond of Love rival's clothing choices."

"Hey! I'm right hear you know." she paused, "And I'm NOT your love rival!"

"Don't lie to Rival" Juvia said as Gray-Sama chuckled. wait. GRAY-SAMA THINKS JUVIA IS FUNNY/CUTE NOW HE WILL LOVE ME! Mission completed.

"Hurry up. the sooner you do your shitty dare, the sooner we get to the next shitty round, the sooner this shitty game is over." Gajeel spat out of no where earring a punch from Levy but he didn't seem to notice.

"Ohhh you did not just call MY game shitty... YOUR SUCH A-"

Mira was quickly cut off by Love Rival herself, "okay okay. We will do it. just calm down okay."

• (<~This is bob...Kay)

Love Rival and Juvia walked to the dressing rooms that appeared out of no where. Seriously. Anyway, we quickly changed and can Juvia just say this outfit was very revealing.

We both came out and sat back down. I really hate this outfit.

I love how I was like "I'm on spring break so except more updates soon ;)"
1 month later... I finally updated!
You might have even thought I finally got a social life c:
I'm such a loser

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