Blushing with embarrassment, I decided that I would simply back away from the window now that I had unfortunately been caught, and return to my writing task at hand.

But the smile on Poe's face told me otherwise.

He slowly raised his hand and waved at me, causing my cheeks to burn hotter with a scarlet shade. I mirrored his actions and sent a small wave towards him as well as wiggling my fingers, which he accepted with an even wider grin than before.

BB-8 took the opportunity now that Poe was distracted, running over his foot mischievously and beeping playfully as Poe grabbed his leather boot in agony.

I couldn't help but laugh along at their free antics and the way they chased each other around the yard just beyond my window.

I wanted to have fun just as much as they were.

Perhaps a few moments couldn't deter me or distract me for too long.

I rushed away from the window and slid my feet into my dress slippers, pulling up my lavender dress to properly tie the ribbons around my ankles. I forced my intricately designed braids, one behind each ear, back over my shoulders as I stood to my feet.

With a determined gait, I dashed out of my quarters and followed the often-taken path down the stairs and past many familiar faces. With quick greetings and waves of acknowledgment, I exited one of the many back thresholds that led to the bright outdoors.

I nervously wrung my hands in anticipation as my feet guided me through the bushes and around the castle, nearing the only place on the property I wished to be.

At hearing his melodic and baritone laugh again, I hid again, now behind the brick corner of the castle, silently peering around to find Poe and his droid resuming their purely happy interactions and enjoying the wonderful and temperament climate of Interitus.

I rested my head against the rough texture of the bricks as I admired their free-spirited natures while they did as they pleased.

If only I could be as rebellious and as carefree as the pilot and his droid that had traveled all this distance to find me.

As of right now, I was breaking several rules, which wasn't as difficult as I previously assumed it would be.

But I would most likely be reprimanded later.

BB-8 rolled around Poe's feet until he stopped abruptly, then turning to find me sneakily watching them. I gasped in surprise, realizing how awful I was at attempting to be a spy, and hurriedly turned back around and out of their line of sight.

I inwardly groaned at my carelessness and began to trot towards the castle in defeat. I didn't want to be noticed or caught in my moment of curious excitement, and yet I had been discovered for a second time.

I just wanted to observe a priceless moment that I could never afford to experience.

Excited trills met my ears as BB-8 zoomed past me and blocked the path towards the castle doors. He beeped frantically and rolled around my feet as I tried to escape his entrapment. "BB-8," I laughed, stepping over him and trying to make it back into the safety of the castle, "You're going to get me caught."

"A bit late for that, Your Highness. I caught you earlier watching me from your window." A voice factually stated from behind me, inspiring me to halt in my tracks as I had been utterly found out. Again.

I slowly turned around and found Poe standing a few feet away from me. I covered my eyes in embarrassment and shame. "I apologize, Poe. I didn't mean to pry or stare intrusively, I just..." BB-8 nudged my leg and I knelt in response, rubbing his head softly. "I just wanted what having fun was like."

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