USM Giant Spiders P2

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Based on that One Episode in USM where Spider-Man gets Turned into Man-Spider BUT it's Amazing Spiderman with Gwen Dying. Mary Jane is the Only One who Knows his Identity and Gwen but she Dead

Characters Besides Spiderman: Mary Jane, Gwen Stacy Mentioned, USM Team (White Tiger, Powerman, Nova, and Ironfist) Doctor Octopus and Kraven The Hunter 

Warnings: ⚠️

Bad Jokes, Rushed Story Telling, Giant Spiders Is so Far Not my Favorite... but if you Like it I Might continue!

??? (POV)

I was At Home just Chilling watching TV but I was getting Bored, my Mind Wandered to that Time Where Peter Told me he Was Spiderman that took some Definite Getting Used to.. I Remember him telling me how he Couldn't save Gwen and how it was his Fault she died in the First place how If he Followed George Stacy's Last Wishes she'd still be alive

I had to snap him out of that I felt so Bad here he's been sulking everyday and I couldn't help him I knew Gwen's death hit him Hard he Loved her but I hadn't known how Bad it had been 

And now I Know he's out there every Night risking his Life for People he doesn't even Know?!

I can Faint for Acting but I think I would've definitely fainted right then and There But by some Miracle I didn't... Peter is Like a Brother to me, we are Best Friends and the Only Part of our Friend Group Left...

Gwen Died 

Harry became a Super Villain Died trying to Fight Spiderman

That stuff hits someone hard but I Know it Hurts Peter more...

I needed to get my Mind off Peter or else I'd Spiral I decided to put the News on and was Shocked on what was Playing "Spiderman Turned into Giant Spider Beast" it showed Doc Ock Fighting Spiderman I knew he was injured last time so he couldn't be Fairing well.. then out of nowhere he was Shot with a Syringe by Kraven he shouted with Pain and slowly Transformed into a Ginormous Spider 

Doc Ock and Kraven were defeated by the Spider and then His Team appeared clearly confused by the Giant Spider...

But then Out of Nowhere! SHIELD shows up and Starts Shooting Spiderman! Do they not know It's Peter!?! There hurting him! 

The Spider never attacked unless provoked and that was Clearly a way to Provoke it! It started getting angry and attacking SHIELDs agents 

She Needed to Help! Or else they'd all be Hurt!

She was Mary Jane she was gonna help her Best Friend her Brother!

Peter Parker!

She snatched a Spare Spiderman Mask he Left there and Threw it on Her Face but before she left something caught her eye... it was Her Mother's Old Guitar she had left in her Room her Parents weren't very good ones but she kept it as a Keep sake but it gave her an idea

She smiled behind the Mask and Ran Outside headed towards Spiderman!

Time Skip or well Back too The Squad aka the Team aka White Tiger, Powerman, Nova and Ironfist!

White Tiger was about to Call Shield but it seems they Came First

Agents started pouring in From a Helicopter she could see Rachel Smith (random Agent I made up) a SHIELD agent who was a Captain she got to decide when Certain Threats called for Action she could make an Order without Fury, they started preparing there Guns for shooting 

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