USM Giant Spiders P1

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Based on that One Episode in USM where Spider-Man gets Turned into Man-Spider BUT it's Amazing Spiderman with Gwen Dying. Mary Jane is the Only One who Knows his Identity and Gwen but she Dead

Characters Besides Spiderman: Mary Jane, Gwen Stacy Mentioned, USM Team (White Tiger, Powerman, Nova, and Ironfist) Doctor Octopus and Kraven The Hunter 

Warnings: ⚠️ 

Bad Jokes, Spidey in Pain but I can't be One to be Blamed.. Rushed Story Telling Giant Spiders Is so Far Not my Favorite... but if you Like it I Might continue!

I REALLY wasn't Looking Forward to Fighting Doc Ock today I mean common I'm still Healing from Last Time! Last Time the Sinister Six Attacked New York, again and my Team wasn't there to help me.. thankfully I Defeated them but a Certain Octopus Escaped 

"Common Spider I know Your Weak! I've Studied you, Your Powers Didn't Cover for all the Beatings I Gave You!"

I mean he wasn't wrong, but I couldn't let him Know that 

"I think Your Diagnosis is off Doc, I'm as Fit as a Fiddle can't say the Same about You though!"

Spiderman Kicked Doc Ock in the Face causing Doctor Octopus to Scream out in Agony 

"You Pest! You won't be Standing Up Straight for much Longer!!"

"Ya, ya, you say that every time! Think it's about Time you Get some New Material at least I Come up with an Awards Winning Quip to Every Battle!"

"Your Quips are Nothing but Annoying! But a Small Price to Pay for the Real Prize" Ock Smiled

Spiderman was gonna make a Quip on how his Quips being annoying were the Point and his Quips were Best in 'Annoying Every Super Villain of all Time' but he knew Doc Ock was up to something...

"And what is this Extraordinary Prize your Talking about?"

Doc Ock smiled evilly 

"Haven't you Noticed all along Spiderman? The True prize in any Hunt is the Prey and the Prey is You!"

"Woah now don't be sounding like Kraven! And Sheesh Doc I'm Honored but what do you want with little old me?"

"Funny You Mention Kraven Spider.. you'll Find out soon Enough"


His Spidersense went Crazy and do to him Being Injured and Sloppy he was caught of Guard Causing a Syringe to Land right in his back.

He Doubled over tripping onto the Ground in Pain

"I guess the Hunter has Finally Caught his Pray isn't that Right Spiderman?" 

Spiderman looked up and Saw Kraven the Hunter. 

Are you Kidding me?! Doc Ock AND Kraven the Hunter?!? Parker Luck just Couldn't take a Break could it!

"You've got to be kidding me.. please tell me I'm hallucinating"

"Make no Mistake Spiderman this is all Very Real" Kraven Smiled happy to FINALLY capture his Prey

Spiderman Grunted and Yelped in Pain! What was in that syringe!

"What was in That Syringe! What is gonna happen to me?" He Tried not to sound worried but he couldn't help it Whatever was in that Syringe Hurt!

"Don't Worry Spiderman, just a Little Experiment of mine, Remember what happened with you and Wolerine in the Savage Lands? Where there was a Little Bug Problem." Doc Ock

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