USM Giant Spiders P1

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Spiderman Remembered that Wolerine wouldn't speak a Word of it until Spiderman Practically begged and black mailed him to Understand what on Earth happened! Once Wolverine told him his Memories came Back Full Force let's just say he didn't get any sleep that night. But how could have Doc Ock known? All he Told was Nick Fury and maybe some of his Team he couldn't possibly know!

"How do you-"

"Know About that little mishap? Well that's gonna stay My Little Secret let's Just Say SHIELD isn't as Protected as you Think, Peter" Doc Ock smiled a large grin on his face

Spiderman Gasped, that can't be right! That means his Aunt Mays in Danger he couldn't do that to her!! He Screamed Pain Tripling this was unbearable! He knew he was about to be turned into a Mindless Monster and he couldn't do anything about it! And his Aunt May... She was In Danger!

Then he remembered... his Team! He must Call his Team! He quickly Pressed The Emergency Button on his Watch/Web shooter but By That Time it was Too Late...

He was No Longer Spider-Man..

Not even Man-Spider...

In his Place was a Big Black Spider...

With Red Glowing Beating Eyes....

"Ah Yes my Pet, Hello Spider meet Your Master!" Ock Shouted

But the Spider Just Looked at him Weirdly

"Your Creator! Your sole Reason for Living! It is I The Great Doctor Octopus!!" He shouted once more

But Spiderman- The Spider having enough of these Weird People decided to Yeet Doc Ock into a Building 

"Nooo! I am Your master listen to me!!"

Time Skip Back With The USM Team

White Tiger aka Ava (POV)

It was Supposed to be a Peaceful Day, I Finished my Training and Homework for the Day a New record! Might I say so I decided to Catch up on some Reading I went Into the Living Room (They were still Living with Aunt May atm) and sat down on the Couch, Bucket Head aka Sam and Luke were Playing some Video Game on the TV, Danny was Meditating Upstairs Pretty Peaceful if you didn't count them Interrupting my Book by Sam shouting in Victory!

"Whoo! Ah Yes! Another Victory for me!" Sam started doing a Dance

"Common it was Close I so Totally Would of Had you!" Luke

"Well you didn't Victory for me!" Sam

"Would you Too Shut it! I'm trying to Read over Here"

"Sorry Ava" Luke

"Whatcha Reading anyways? SHEILDs Boring Strategies 101? Or! Some Science Thing I can't even Bother to Understand Or-"

Before I could Shut him up Our SHIELD communication Devices started Beeping with an Alert and to the Average Person would Sound like some Weird Alarm choice, but this was a Spideys in Trouble once again we gotta help him alert!

"Suit Up!" I shouted They didn't have to be Told Twice. We all Geared up and Headed to the Location of the Distress call

"What do you Think Webs Has Gotten Himself into this Time?" Sam now Nova said

"If I had to Guess some Villain of sorts" Luke now Powerman said 

"Hopefully Spiderman is Not Too Harmed I Was Really Getting into My Book!"

"Sometimes We have to Sacrifice our Luxuries in Order to Save our Peace" Danny aka iron fist (does that sound like a Iron Fist Quote idk I tried)

"Well he could have waited until after I-" I was Interrupted By a Screech of some Sort that did not sound Human..

(Can Spiders Screech? I don't think so... Can this one Screech? Absolutely cuz why not) 

We Sprinted closer to see what all the Commotion was (I mean I guess Nova Speed Flew) when we  arrived we saw a Giant Spider... Okay? And it was beating Doctor Octopus into The Ground... Kraven the Hunter was there Shooting it but that wasn't making The Spider anymore happy... But where was Spiderman?

"You Fool! I am Your Creator Your Master! You should Obey Me!!" Doc Ock Shouted 

Which only Caused the Spider to Yell Angrily and Throw Ock once more into the Ground having him be Knocked Out... Ouch was all White Tiger Could Think..

"You think you can Defeat me?! A Hunter always gets his Pray!" Kraven also Shouted which the Spiders seems to really not like and Picked him up 

"What In the World is going on here?!?" Nova Shouted 

Honestly I had no Clue.. what was even going On? Luckily a Lady in Her Mid 20s walked up to Us

"I saw it all, that Giant Spider is Spiderman that Man With the Daggers over there Shot a Syringe at him causing him to double over in Pain and Turn into That Spider.." The Woman Explained

"What?" I Dumbly Suppiled

"Wait your telling me That Giant Spider who just beat Up Doc Ock is Spiderman?!?" Nova yelled at the Poor woman who just nodded in response

The Spider- Spiderman? Threw Kraven into a Wall Similar to Doc Ock and he was now Unconscious as well.. we decided maybe we should Intervene 

"Heeey Spiderman how are you?" Sam

I just wanted to slap my face in that very moment

Spiderman turned to us and looked at us Cautiously 

"We mean no Harm My Friend we only wish to help." Danny said walking forward in a Non Threatening Manner Spiderman didn't attack him but didn't let his Guard down either 

"We need to take him Back to SHIELD if he stays here any longer he could hurt someone.." Luke

"I agree we also need to find a Cure pronto" 

"And how do you Figure we Do that? Spiderman isn't looking to Friendly at the Moment or Even SpiderMAN for that matter" Sam said putting Emphasis on the Man part

I sighed "guess we Call in SHIELD"

How was That? Don't worry I got Plans... oh and just a Fun Fact Whenever I put Doc Ock, Ock kept autocorrecting to O'clock so I guess it's Doc Ock O'clock!

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