chapter thirty. faith

Start from the beginning

I didn't wanna think about that. And I definitely wasn't gonna tell anybody else what she told me.

I looked up at the board when I heard an insane heartbeat, realizing that Lydia was stood at the front, a piece of chalk in her hand as she cried hysterically.

"Lydia..." Finstock called repeatedly.

I instantly stood up, slowly making my way towards her. She had her eyes shut, the girl whimpering. "Lydia." I whispered, gently taking the piece of chalk from her hand. Her eyes shot open, realizing that I was standing in front of her. I sent her a concerned look as she looked around in confusion, a tear staining her cheek.

"Okay then, anybody else want to try answering?" Coach asked. "This time in English?" The class started to laugh, causing me to feel the humiliation that was emitting off of my girlfriend.

"Oh, shut up." I spat in annoyance, causing everyone to go silent. I looked back to the board, realizing that Lydia had written something backwards all over the board. It was definitely English, I just couldn't make out what it said. "Come on, it's okay." I told her, resting my hands on her arms as I lead her back to see her seat. "Come find me after class so we can talk, okay?"

The girl didn't say anything, she just brushed her hair back and stuck her head in her book. I sighed as I walked back over to my seat, looking to Scott and Stiles. "No, actually, I think it is English." I heard Stiles say, the boy mirroring the picture of the writing that he took on his phone.



"Lydia, Lydia, Lydia." I called repeatedly as I followed behind the girl who was walking down the hallway, acting as if I didn't exist. "Can you please just talk to me? I'm worried about you." I told her, the girl finally turning around to face me. I looked down at her in concern, sensing the annoyance in her eyes.

"How can you even say that?"

I furrowed my brows, "What do you mean?"

"How can you say that you're worried about me and then ditch me with no explanation as I'm crying in my car?" She asked, her voice full of sorrow. I swallowed as I looked down, feeling even more guilty than I did before. "I mean, I'm supposed to be your girlfriend and I needed you last night. And you were nowhere to be found. So finally tell me, what was so important that you had to leave so suddenly?"

I looked up at her, biting my lip anxiously as I tried to come up with a response. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't explain everything to her right this second. I knew no matter how I answered, this was going to end with her still mad at me. "I just - Stiles was in trouble so I had to help him, I wouldn't have left if it wasn't super important. I meant to come back, I'm sorry I - the time just got away from me."

Lydia scoffed, shaking her head. "You know, since you have so much time to help Stiles with his problems and not mine, maybe you should date him."

I watched as she walked away, feeling a pang in my chest. I felt a ball form in my throat, trying not to cry as I made my way to Chemistry class. I didn't know how I was gonna get her to forgive me without telling her what I really didn't want to tell her. Stiles and Derek could've died if I didn't help. Of course, she doesn't know that, but I really didn't have a choice. I just got her and I was already losing her. I didn't know what was going on with her but I just hoped she wasn't the Kanima. For the love of God, please don't let Lydia be the Kanima.

"Derek is not gonna kill her without proof." I heard Scott say as I sat next to Stiles at our long black table, the boy sending me a nod. I just returned a short one. I couldn't be bothered to talk or smile right now. I had nothing going for me.

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