Chapter 11: Mother Knows Best

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Art by Luke Grbelja Fischer

To say you are disappointed is an understatement, you wake to an empty bed but warmth lingers in the imprint behind you. The room faintly smells like vanilla, it must have been Daniela that cuddled with you all night. After your usual morning routine, you pull open the doors to your closet to find another outfit. The suit from yesterday, and your spare clothes are still there but now there's a black frock coat, a matching vest and pants, a blood red tie, and a freshly pressed button up. As you put on the ensemble you're plunged into a sea of lavender, you run your hands over the linen coat, feeling the bits of frayed material and places that were patched.

At least this one fits you better, although you imagine if you move too fast or too much that it'll rip in half like paper. Being careful not to create any further damage to the outfit you hurry your best to the dining room. Lady Dimitrescu is already there when you arrive, her face looking more irritated than usual, the ice in her glare gives you goosebumps.

"Good morning my lady." You say to break the tension.

She purses her lips in contemplation of what to say to you, her look of anger not dissipating. She brings the glass next to her to her lips, her eyes never break contact with yours as she swallows the thick liquid then places the glass down. You sit down in your usual seat, tapping your fingers anxiously against your thigh.

"I am disappointed in you Y/N." The Lady finally says.

Your eyes widen at her, everything runs through your mind of what you did wrong to make her feel this way. From the moment you stepped foot in this castle to this very moment, you analyzed every word you've muttered, every task you've done, every mistake you've managed to hide wondering what could have set her off. She hasn't sliced you open yet, so either it's not as bad as you think or she's holding back simply to toy with you.

"I had such high hopes for you. It is no secret my daughters fraternize with the help but you had lasted this long without any of them showing interest. They begged me to save you, I do not know why but I decided to take a chance, thinking that you could be a fine addition to House Dimitrescu. How I am unsure, but none of that matters now, for even you have fallen for one of their games. It would seem I have been too lenient with you, and you have forgotten where you stand."

Lady Dimitrescu stands from her seat to tower over you, forcing you to crane your neck up and sink down into your chair. She leans over you, planting her hands on the table for support as she fully shades you with her shadow.

"When she becomes bored with you, and she will, I will not have you killing off whomever she turns to next to fulfill her needs. You may think she loves you, but I assure you she does not. I admire your loyalty but you are nothing more than a servant to the House Dimitrescu, you will never be anything more. I only tell you this to prepare you for the inevitable. Do I make myself clear?"

"Transparently, my lady." You reply quietly.

"I will not kill you for gallivanting with one of my daughters. I have wasted precious time and resources to keep you alive, and you risked your life to save my dearest Bela; so consider this act of kindness a repayment for that."

"Understood my lady." You whisper.

Lady Dimitrescu lets out a sigh when she walks around you toward the main hall the double doors close with a hard thud that shakes the walls. Her words sinking in with the silence. Deep down the voice inside your head knows every nerve to strike, the sinking feeling inside the pit of your stomach grow. Maybe she's right, they use you for their own lustful needs, so what would happen when they grow bored of you?

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