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(Ep 1 pt 1)

"I swear Char, if you're not in my car in ten seconds, I'm leaving without you," Nancy yelled at the door. "Mike let's go."

I picked up my bag and sketchbook and walked outside before Nancy. I hopped in the back and Nancy got in the driver's seat. Mike jumped in with his mouth full of poptart.

"One day I will leave your sorry little ass behind," Nancy sighed as we drove to school. She parked next to Steve's car and we all went into the auditorium.

Mike, Max and Dustin were all standing together so I joined them next to Max. My friend Jenny Cunningham stumbled up the bleachers next to me.

"Chris wanted me to come to the stupid rally," She slurred. She probably was having a massive hangover.

"You could have ditched," I replied and watched as Chrissy did a flip in the air.

"It's just more fun here y'know? Hey Max," Jenny giggled and waved at Max. She just nodded at Jenny and looked at me with a condescending look.

The cheerleaders finished their ensemble and went to the side of the gym.

"And now let's hear it for our Tigers!" Some dude announced.

I yawned and watched a bunch of sweaty dudes and Lucas break though a sign and come running out smiling.

Jason the jackass took the mic.

"Good morning Hawkins High!" He yells enthusiastically. "First off I'd like to thank each and every one of you. Without your support we wouldn't be here, give yourselves a big hand."

Cheers rung out everywhere

"And of course, of course I have to give a special shout out to the best and prettiest fans of all time, the Tiger Cheer Squad." He continued as people cheered and the cheerleaders waved their big pom poms. "Chrissy... Chrissy, I love you, baby." He pointed at Jenny's sister, who was in the front with the cheer squad.

"You know... I think I can speak for all of us when I say it's been a tough year for Hawkins. So much loss. And sometimes I wonder 'how much loss can one community take?' In dark days like this we need something to believe in. So, last night, when we were down ten points at half to Christian Academy, I looked at my team, and I said, 'Think of Jack. Think of Melissa. Think of Heather. Think of Billy. Think about our heroic police chief, Jim Hopper. Think about each and every one of our friends who perished in that fire. What did they die for? For us to lose to some... some crap school? No. For us to return home with our heads hung low in defeat? No. No. Let's win this game. Let's win this game for them.' And that's exactly what we did! We embarrassed those candy-asses in their own house, and tonight, tonight, we're gonna bring home the championship trophy! Let's go!"

The basketball team started cheering with the crowd and they were high fiving each other.

I glanced at Dustin and Mike. Their big, final campaign was tonight and Lucas was a part of it.

"Tonight?" Mike asked.

"How is that possible?" Dustin questioned.

"That's why they call it a tournament. You win one game, you go on to play the next until there's only one team left," Max explained.

Everyone was hyped up and I helped Jenny up on her feet and to class.

I followed behind Mike, Lucas and Dustin who were arguing about Lucas being in the campaign.

"Why's your brother so worried about what Eddie the freak thinks?" Jenny asked.

"I don't know. He's been obsessed with D and D for as long as I can remember. Now that he's in Hellfire, it's like his brain is mush," I dragged Jenny into our first class.

She was sobering up now. Robin came in and took a seat behind us.

"Did you see Vickie and I next to each other?" Robin asked like an excited three year old.

"No, I was more worried about loopy over here," I pointed out Jenny who was drawing dicks on her desk.

This was our last day before spring break but the teacher gave us an assignment anyway.

I could not focus at all. Focusing meant remembering and remembering meant reliving what once was. It led to me seeing Billy dying all over again.

But I snapped out of my thoughts. This was my last senior English class for a whole two weeks.

Robin, Jenny and I worked together to get the results of a three paragraph essay on why school uniforms should not be allowed.

It was a highly opinionated essay but then again, we are three very different and highly opinionated people.

The bell rang and I droned on to my next class. 


A/N: I just want to give my opinion on this scene. So I get that we all dislike Jason and stuff but what he did here, like motivating his team with dead people, it just made me feel really weird and stuff. Some people would still be very sensitive to the losses and I don't like how Jason used dead people for motivation. I know it was supposed to be inspiring and uplifting but it just felt awkward. 

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