Forty One

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(enjoy this emotional but joyful chapter. also please comment if you want a wedding or not)

A few hours later, I was discharged from the hospital. We had no transportation because the cops had seized the RV we 'borrowed' when I was getting stitched up.

Max had to stay in the hospital until the next day so Lucas and Erica were staying with her for now.

The whole lot of us planned to walk to Hop's cabin but we knew that would be impossible before night fall.

Then Jonathan came out of the high clouds and realized they still had the pizza van. All of us piled into the van and set off to the cabin. We stopped only once by Reefer Ricks house to grab supplies.

But as we were heading back towards central Hawkins, we saw people leaving. Their cars were packed to the brim with their livelihoods.

Some people had fully abandoned their houses in the chaos, took their car and their kids and went to wait out the earthquake somewhere safer.

We got to the cabin around three in the afternoon, just as the sun was coming down from it's peak.

Eddie helped me out and we all went inside together.

The hole from last summer was slowly having the roof cave in. There was glass everywhere.

But the water still worked and we could easily get electricity back.

"Alright, let's get to work," Nancy said, smiling.

Mike, Will and Dustin began to clean the floors. Well, Dustin stood with crutches while leaning against the only stable wall in the house.

Nancy and Jonathan took care of the windows and roof. Steve, Robin and I worked on cleaning up the bathroom and kitchen area, throwing out rotted food and scraping dead bugs out of the bathtub. Eddie went off with Jonathan's long haired friend somewhere outside.

Robin was babbling away about how worried she was about Vickie. "Look, I know she has a boyfriend. She made that incredibly clear when they kissed at that army store. I just think I would feel better if I knew she didn't get crushed by a falling building during the earthquake."

"I don't see how that's my problem," Steve sighed as he adjusted his pink rubber gloves and cleaning apron.

"If anything, it should be bothering me. I caused the earthquake," I input. I was kneeling on the kitchen floor cleaning up what seemed to be the remains of a raccoon.

"Yeah, but you don't know her like I do. She's.... different."

"About as different as a wet paper towel with orange food coloring," I mumbled.

"Wet paper towel?" Steve chuckled.

"I didn't think anyone heard that."

"She's not a paper towel."

"I only meant that she's pale and ginger. Nothing else," I paused. "Well, maybe the lack of personality and ability to comprehend your romantic advances. But then again, I don't know her."

"You're wasting time on Vickie anyway. Rob, I see the way you look at Nance," Steve interjected.

"She has Jonathan," Robin sighed.

"That's not a no, is it?"

"Steve, she has Jonathan. Okay? Besides, I barely know her. She probably thinks I'm with Steve."

"But you're not. The only bad thing that could happen if you talk to her is rejection. My sister isn't going to beat you up or out you. That's just not who Nancy is."

[✓] 𝕴 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖆 𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜 𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖎𝖘  {Eddie Munson x OC}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora