How can I help you?

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And the world around stopped.

Tony felt like he'd just had a heart attack.

Then... silence. Nothing.

He was too afraid to open his eyes. He didn't hear anything and felt like he was in a dream. For a little moment he thought Peter had shot himself, but then reality caught up with him.

Another shot came. 

Tony's scream as a bullet dug into his body served as a sign that Peter had hit him. Still, the boy didn't look in his direction. He didn't have the courage. He didn't want to stay here any longer, nothing kept him here anymore. No one...

He ran down the hall, then down the stairs. He grabbed a few things he had prepared and finally went out in front of the big house. He unlocked and got in Tony's car. When he was fifteen, May tried to teach him how to drive; just for fun. Now it finally came in handy. He left the estate and drove out onto the road. He had no idea where he was and couldn't find the navigation or just a fucking map anywhere, so he just decided to continue on the empty asphalt until he came across someone. He tried to get his thoughts away from Tony and calm his frightened heart. 

"I love you."

Fortunately, an abandoned bus stop with a phone booth appeared in front of him. Without bothering with things like a turn signal - he still didn't remember how to do it - Peter headed for the place. He knew who he wanted to call. With shaky hands, he threw a few change - which he had found in the car - into the machine. He dialed the number and put the black handset to his ear, waiting for someone on the other side. He kept looking around, as if somebody was watching him.

"P-Police?" He asked as soon as there was a click.

"Yes," a woman's voice replied, "how can I help you?"

"Um... I... I want to, to... r-report a... a crime."

After those words he fully realized the seriousness of the situation and the reality hit him like a hammer. He released the handset, which was dangling on the cord for a moment before it hung still. The boy slid to the ground beside it and pulled his knees under his chin. He burst into hysterical crying.

He really did it.

He hurt him.

He killed him... betrayed him.

Tony was right, they were happy together. And he threw it all away. He felt the urge to get back in the car and go back to Tony. Running into the bedroom to find the man still alive. Untie him, kiss him all over the face and beg for forgiveness.

The boy hid his wet face in his hands. Suddenly he was calm. But what was the price? Did he became a murderer? The same monster Stark was.

In the background, he could hear the woman's silent voice from the receiver calling him, but the only thing he could focus on was the hoarse voice in his head.

"Nobody will know."

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