Forgive me.

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"I almost forgot, my acquaintance called me. Turns out I have to work this afternoon, an unexpected snag. So we'll go out tomorrow," Tony told the young man as he cleared the dirty plates from the table, which were overflowing with food less than half an hour ago.

"But what if ... the snow melts by then," the boy expressed his concern. He noticed very well the sun callously killing the snow around the house.

"It simply will not be possible today."

"So ... I will go alone?" Peter blurted out without thinking. He wasn't even sure if his sentence was a question or an announce.

"Haha ... good try, baby. But if you can't survive without being outside, I'll tie you to a column on the terrace," Stark grinned, tousling Peter's brown hair as he walked past him.

"Can I leave you here alone? Won't you run away?" The boy smiled and shook his head. Anthony returned the smile and disappeared upstairs. As soon as the sound of the door slamming reached the young man's ears, he jumped to his feet and ran to the front door. What else should he do? Sit idly while Tony calmly plans someone's murder? The voice in his head kept telling him not to be a fool, he will be punished. The boy ignored the warning and the pain of the scars on his body and began searching the pockets of coats hanging on a hanger. Little did he know that he had fallen into a trap. The man down the stairs watched the young man's actions. He frowned and folded his arms. 

"Peter, baby..." he didn't finish, tilting his head to the side. The boy froze. "So we're back where we started." With a sigh, Anthony crossed the distance between them and the fingers of his right hand gently touched the young face. "I thought we got through this." The boy didn't say a word in his defense and stared at the ground. A quick, strong slap came on.

"What can you tell me?" Tony asked calmly, as if nothing had happened.

"Forgive me." Another slap, this time on the other cheek.

"Are you giving it to me as an order?! Let's try again, Pete."

"F-forgive me... pl-please."

"Good boy." Tony smiled at the frightened boy and bent down so he could kiss him on the forehead. "I'm sure you know how sad I would be if you had to take a trip to the cellar again." Peter was silent, processing the words he had just heard. He shook his head slightly. "All right, come with me." He went upstairs to his study, and Peter obediently followed. "Do you think I'm really stupid enough to leave the keys in my coat again or somewhere where you can find them?" He said over his shoulder. 

He led the young man to his study, which he had never let him into before (except for a recent incident, but Peter had other worries than admiring the room). He took a laptop and a folder from his desk. He walked across the room to a comfortable-looking armchair with a small table next to it. He put things down. The boy just stood in the doorway the whole time, silently watching Tony's actions.

"Come here, Peter," the man said, settling into his chair. The boy walked slowly to Anthony with a slow, hesitant step. "Sit down here on the ground and with your back to me." Tony's voice was completely calm again; the young man obeyed. Carefully, he sat down next to Stark's feet. He pulled his knees to his chin, wrapped his arms around them, and curled into a ball. Tony reached out and clenched the boy's hair into a fist. He moved with him like he was just a puppet until the young man leaned his back against the front of the armchair and his left cheek against Tony's thigh. Peter felt Anthony reach for his laptop, and a soft click came to his ears as the man's fingers started moving across the keyboard.

When the boy realized that he was only required to sit in silence, he was relieved. He was grateful to Tony. Peter concentrated so that his body would not move at all. He didn't want another harsher punishment to come or to make Anthony think he didn't value his kindness. He almost jumped in fright when he felt something in his hair after a while. The fingers caressed his tousled hair and curled it, the man's hand sliding closer to the exposed neck from time to time.

Peter closed his eyes over the pleasure and moved his head to allow better access. He had no idea how long his fingers had been massaging his skin; all he knew was that Tony's touch was ... pleasant? A quiet and a little unwanted moan came out of his mouth as his hand moved up and down his neck, his head, giving him the pleasant feeling of someone else playing with his hair.

Tony completely forgot about his work; it wasn't important at all at the moment. He watched with interest as the boy was practically moaning into his thigh. He knew how sensitive Peter was to his touch. The best part for him was that the boy probably didn't realize how comical he looked. He was moving his head and neck to give Tony the places he wanted him to touch. But all the while, he kept his head in contact with Tony's feet. Peter didn't want to, but he felt very comfortable at the moment.

"I like to see you're satisfied," the man whispered. His words woke Peter from a smaller trance. He realized that he was not far from purring like a contented cat and whimpered loudly. In his mind he cursed at the betrayal of his body. He jerked forward before jumping to his feet. He took a few steps back and starred with terror at the man in front of him.

"Do you want me to help you with that?" Tony burst out laughing, pointing to a problem in Peter's pants. Then he just watched the young man's reaction with interest; the boy panicked. Without thinking, he ran out of the room and locked himself in the bathroom. The smile didn't leave Anthony's face even then. He won't forget the look at the young man's red face. He felt like he was finally starting to control Peter. He felt that the boy was finally almost his. Only his. 

His dark eyes shone with the certainty.

But now he had to go to work...

I have almost finished the next chapter, so I will publish it soon. :)

Thanks for reading and have a nice day. <3

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