Don't fucking lie to me!

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This was especially uncomfortable for Tony. He wanted to move, but something was holding him back. He paused in surprise when he felt a cold metal on his wrists. He realized he had to be attached to something. He opened his eyes and immediately found himself handcuffed to the construction of his bed.

"So," Tony heard a familiar voice. The man looked away from the shiny handcuffs and looked at the disheveled Peter, who was leaning against the table next to the door, "how does it feel?"

The boy's typical frightened look disappeared and instead he was smiling like a psychopath.

"What kind of joke is this?!"

"Funny," the young man chuckled. "I was asking myself the same question several times," he added before chanting his monologue.

"You know, it's weird that there's not a single phone in the whole house, and yours is probably lost somewhere, I can't find it. But I found this in your study," Peter said, tossing the newspaper into the man's lap. "You... you told that she doesn't care about me anymore... and I thought it was true," he paused. "But something else is written here, Tony. I'm dead to the police, but not to her. What will you tell me now?!"

"You were forbidden to go there!" Tony said instead of answering the question.

The young man raised an eyebrow, bit his lower lip, and smiled desperately. "Yeah, so... what are you going to do? Rape me?"

Anthony was silent.

"It's a strange feeling to be on the other side at once," the young man smiled. His brown hair fell to his face. It was like if the devil inside the boy, who had now decided to show himself to the world. "I originally wanted to deal with you in that famous cellar, but," he pursed his nose, "I don't like it there."

"Peter, stop fooling around before you do anything you'll regret and let me go."

The boy's face hardened. Without a word, he took a few steps forward before slapping the man so hard that his head turned almost ninety degrees. His hand ached, but Peter knew he couldn't show weakness. Not right now. "Are you giving it to me as an order?! Let's try again, honey."

Stark didn't answer. It was clear to him what Peter was striving for. He didn't want to give him that pleasure.

"As I thought," the boy replied, a hint of disappointment in his voice, and returned to the table. "But in order not to deviate from the subject, I persevered because of you, and at least looked around in the cellar. And I got this," Peter showed the whip to the man. "I thought I'd bother you a little before I leave. To make you feel, at least a fraction of my pain. "He took a few steps over the distance between them, then did the last thing Tony expected of him.

Peter kissed him on the lips.

"That was for luck," they boy smiled before he rolled the man's T-shirt up and suddenly there was a crack. The man closed his eyes and clenched his fists, but made no sound. "It's not pleasant, is it?" Peter grinned before dealt another blow to the man.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"You'll never be safe from me," Tony repeated as the young man finished and stepped aside again. "They can send me to a prison, but it won't stop me, I'll find you anyway. It doesn't matter how far you run."

"I know," Peter nodded in agreement. "I'll have to insure it." He walked over to the table, took a small pistol and turned it in his hands, looking up. "I've never shot," he shrugged, "it's all for the first time. What did you tell me about it? Aim over the head first," he said, shooting at the wall without warning.

"Fuck," Tony cursed, wincing.

"Don't look so surprised," he laughed. "You must have known how this would end," he finished the sentence Anthony had told him some time ago. "Do you remember? You told me this before you beat me like a dog. But now I am the one holding the weapon, and you are the one who will beg for mercy. "

"I wouldn't be so sure," Tony shook his head. 

"We'll see," the brunet smiled sweetly, raising his weapon again. But this time he wasn't aiming at the wall.

"Baby," the shocked man whispered. "You don't want this. You know... we were so happy together."

"Shut up! Stop talking!" 

"Don't do this." Tony hesitated. "I love you."

"Don't fucking lie to me!" Peter shouted, shaking his head. The hand gripping the gun began to shake slightly, so he supported it with the other. "We both know you don't need love or anything like that. You just need something you can own."

"Just calm down, sweetheart. Everything will be okay." Tony tried to get back in Peter's head and get him to do what Anthony wanted. He saw the boy fighting with himself. The boy tried to breathe regularly again, and his outstretched arms slowly began to fall back to his body. He stared in fright at the man he had fallen in love with, but also at the man who kept him in his house like in a prison. Tony had to pay for what he did to him! Parker wanted to see them writhing in agony.

"That's it," Stark whispered with a smile, distracting the boy. "Now come to me and untie me, okay? Don't be afraid."

Peter stared at him for a moment. Until...

"NO!" Peter shouted from his full lungs, and Tony became the target again.

"Peter, you're tired," he tried to get some time. "It's dark outside, go to sleep, you'll think better in the morning."

"I don't want to," Peter said. "I've been sleeping all afternoon, I'm not tired."

The boy's mood was changing from second to second, and tears began to flow down his cheeks, because he could no longer hold back. "I'll miss you, you know that?" he whispered in a trembling voice, yet he sounded determined. Despite his tears, he saw nothing. Stark didn't even have time to answer.

The young man closed his eyes and pulled the trigger.

And the world around stopped.

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