Chapter 12: Arya Fielding

Start from the beginning

"Look, I'm gonna cut to the chase: You're a psychic, and need someone to teach you how to use your powers and hone your skills." She said. "I'm Arya, by the way. I'm gonna ask your guardians about you doing psychic training with me."

She seemed assertive in her conclusion, as if she knew exactly how this was going to play out. Before he could tell her his name or ask why she felt the need to pull him aside, she said "I pulled you aside because your girlfriend doesn't need to be scared about having a psychic for a boyfriend." She practically pushed him back into Audrey's arms.

Robert turned to ask the girl what she was smoking, but when he approached the corner to talk to her she disappeared.

"What the fuck was that?" Audrey asked, holding onto her boyfriend for safekeeping.

"I don't know, but I think we should run." Robert grabbed his girlfriend's hand, cutting their date short as they looked for the quickest path home.

"What does she mean by you being a psychic?" Audrey asked.

"No clue" he replied, not wanting her to know about his visions.

Robert guided Audrey back to the temple, hoping they had lost the strange woman from the theatre. He wasn't sure if it was a wanting to be special or if it was because she was really magic, but Rpobert began to wonder if he overreacted just a tad.

"Hey, dude, are you okay?" Amethyst asked, getting her feet off the table

"Yeah- we're fine." Robert lied, still worried about the crazy girl

"Oh, who's this?" Amethyst asked, getting an eyeful of Audrey, who seemed put off by the purple gem.

"Oh, Audrey, meet Amethyst" Robert replied.

"Look, we ain't gonna hurt'cha." Amethyst replied as Audrey hid behind him.

Emerald and the others soon appeared at the door.

"Rob? Why did you run off?" Emerald asked, concerned as he typically didn't run away randomly.

"Did you come across some crazy girl who said she was a psychic?" Audrey blurted out.

Everyone seemed confused, as if Audrey was the crazy one, until Pearl and Garnet stepped forward from their rooms.

"You mean Arya? Arya Fielding?" Pearl asked. "When did you find out about her?"

"Better question: When did you?" Robert asked.

"It was a while ago, but sometime after Steven was born, we found out about Arya and her powers..." Pearl explained. "After finding out what she could do, we promised to protect her from anyone finding out about them, as long as she stayed away from Steven."

"What's so bad about her?" Steven asked.

"She isn't an ordinary human. Much like Robert, she too is a psychic. And if left unchecked, psychics can become dangerous, being able to bend the mind of any creature to their will. She can possess you, control you, even bend your thoughts to change your entire being." Garnet explained, eerily calm. "That is, if they're evil. You shouldn't have to worry about any of that from him or Arya.

"I dunno, Steven might be able to pull that kind of stuff off as well."

"What are you talking about?" Steven asked.

"This could just be a silly dream, but I saw you possessing me and later Lars." Robert replied.

"To be fair, it took every ounce of self control not to slap that guy back into that donut shop" Michael added.

Audrey looked like they all just said unicorns were native to beach city and how Baldur's Gate was a real place in Guam, standing there blinking with her jaw to the floor. Robert tried to explain how this was all new to him as well. He thought it best to take Audrey home, not wanting her to get overwhelmed. After which, he went home to ask Emerald if he should go do psychic training with Arya. Emerald seemed apprehensive,

"Are you sure about this? I don't trust Robert with some random lady from the theater." Emerald pleaded, feeling as if everyone else had their mind fall straight out of their head.

"What's the worst that could happen, E? Take a chill pill!" Amethyst replied nonchalantly, as if Emerald's adoptive son wasn't about to go to a complete stranger's house under the pretense she was a psychic who could train him.

"Kidnapping, brainwashing, sacrificing to Cthulhu, you might as well leave him in the middle of bear country slathered in honey BBQ!" Emerald's pleas were in vain as Amethyst had already turned to the door with Robert, him all too eager to go.

Emerald groaned as she followed the two, if Amethyst was going to thrust them into danger she might as well be there to put out the flames.

Upon arriving into the rather empty home Emerald felt her head boom with headaches, forcing her outside. Amethyst and Robert seemed unaffected.

"You've finally arrived." Arya greeted Robert flatly "I apologize, but Amethyst must wait outside."


"As a gem her energy will interfere with the lesson, she must go." Arya restated

Amethyst grumbled and went outside with Emerald, both sitting on the porch as Robert did god-knows-what.

By the end of the three-hour lesson, Robert was able to perform basic telepathy, see the whereabouts of his friends, and lift objects up to a quarter-pound with his mind, as at this stage, anything heavier would result in headaches.

Arya thanked Robert for being her student, and apologized for coming off as crazy, and sent him and the gems on their way.

"Did she do anything to you?" Emerald asked, still shaking

"Uh- I can't really explained what happened, I think I passed out at one point?-"

"Em, he's fine. Chill. Out." Amethyst interrupted, Emerald huffed

"How can you be so nonchalant about this? He disappears for three hours and you don't have a single question about it?"

"Arya knows what she's doing, it'll be great." 

Emerald blinked slowly, her hands pulsing in a fist to calm her nerves.

"You have to be fucking joking me-."

"Em, we've known her for years, trust me."

"You met her yesterday!"

"You met her yesterday, me and the gems have seen her around."

Emerald held her tongue, while her instincts told her this was Arya's handiwork it could just be Amethyst being Amethyst. Emerald kept a close eye on Robert as he went to sleep that night, making sure Arya didn't do anything with his mind. She certainly didn't want to get Garnet or Pearl involved. 

Emerald wasn't the only one with things on her mind, as Dark Aqua's warning became less and less doubtful with each passing hour.



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