Prologue Cont. : Eternal Night

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Mystic's Hut

"The time is upon us Sister Roseberry, we must form a coven to have a fighting chance against the darkness!"

"That will only provoke the wrath of the dark goddess my Sister! We need more male blood to appease her!"

"Both of you are denser than sea fog! Why did I even invite you both? that's what I get for trusting a deluded Nornswoman and Zisan Brute"

Though thoroughly offended by the name calling, Kalinka bit her tongue. Though she was known for brutal verbal lashings, Greater matters than her pride were at stake. More and more creatures were passing over from the realm of night, a wicked, backwards world, where the most soulless and twisted prosper and opposition is met with swift punishment. If the horrid little shadows won their way, all would surly suffer for the rest of time. The tension in the room was thick enough to craft potion vials with, Brother Pinethorn looking ready to sacrifice Roseberry to appease the dark one's apatite for destruction.

"and I supposed you, Pinethorn, have this all figured out." Roseberry rolled her eyes, her pink robes glowing a faint gold.

"This childish fighting is getting us nowhere-."

"At least my plan doesn't lead to another inter-magic war!" Pinethorn gripped the table as he shouted, a silvery light dancing down his arms as he loomed over his sister in magic.

"Please, we are mystics! We are above such bickering!"

"At least my idea doesn't have us at the mercy of some all-consuming tyrant!" Roseberry rose to meet Pinethorn's enraged face

"Everyone! Quiet!" Kalinka pounded her fists on the hardwood stump table, letting out a magical burst that silenced the two Coven leaders.

"Obviously barking at each other won't solve a single thing." Kalinka said, picking up her staff as she took her place in front of the two. "Now I know that you both will have some qualms about this, but I've invited a different perspective to give us some fresh incite."

Roseberry narrowed her eyes as did Pinethorn, both looking down (figuratively and literally) at kalinka, the former already reading her to find out who exactly she invited.

"Now she will drop by tomorrow, so we should prepare our best-"

"Sister Kalinka, we will need a moment to discuss this." Roseberry interrupted "Leave, we shall reconvene tomorrow ."


"Otiza!" Pinethorn motioned his arms to the right, the silver glow of magic climbing down his amrs, carrying Kalinka out of the meeting hut.

Kalinka made it out a few feet from the hut before she collapsed next to a tree, burying her face in her hands as she sunk down to it's roots. In her deepest heart of hearts she knew she went against her brethren, but they needed every facet they could call to solve this. For the first time in a witch's millennia she had felt herself overcome with hopelessness, her stomach sinking deeper into her form.

"Kalinkipie, Have you finally succumb to the calls of darkness?" A Sickeningly sweet voice sang out from the deep blackness of the midnight wood, while it left the mystics in solitude to plan, it also left them vulnerable to the forces that lie within it.

A woman in all-black garb materialized from a thick grey fog, her attire looking Nordic in nature. While many would drool over a woman that looked like her, Kalinka felt her heart stop for a moment, the air being rapidly sucked out of her.

"The Mørkets dam-!" The Fog rushed behind Kalinka and covered her mouth before she could even grip her wand. Though the woman before her was a god, she still though she had a fighting chance.

"Now Kalinkiepoo, calling me to your allies would ruin the fun before it even begun." The sick woman cooed "Besides, I thought we had so much more than that."

Kalinka was overcome with fear, unable to move as the snake gripped over her waist, leaning in closer to her, looking ready to strike. "You know, even after everything you've done, you're still my favorite stubborn speck of light." she whispery sang into Kalinka's ear "I would do anything to have you back in my arms, I may even spare this world before I fuse it with my own"

"Go back to you're world or gods so help me!" she struggled out, The dame giggling to herself as she gripped her prey's face.

"Have fun while you can Kalinki- you're going to miss me when I'm gone." With those final words she dissipated back into the thick and foggy air.

Kalinka gripped her chest as she took deep breaths, she didn't know how, but the dark one was growing stronger by the minute and she was left with almost no one to help her.

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