3 years and 9 months later part 1

ابدأ من البداية

Jayla:hey girl

Me:hey what's up

Jayla:got a call from Daniel this morning he swears he sorry and didn't mean to leave us

Me:do i need to snap on him because you know I will over you and my godson

Jayla:shid then just maybe his ass will stop calling

Me:speaking of call did John call you

Jayla:hell yeah that fat faced mothafucker called me talking about come in later on tonight during hot hour when I told him I need to be at home with my son

Me:I told him the same thing he knows I don't play about mya I need to be with her while I can and I been studying my ass off too so it's hard

We talked all the way till 3

Me: we got to go get the kids from daycare

But they don't go to the same one

Jayla:ok girl I'll talk to you later at work


I grabbed my keys and left when I pulled up and got out off the car this man looked at me walking pass me with his son I went in and signed her out and the woman called the room for her. as she walked out of the hallway she looked upset so I just grabbed her hand and walked to the car putting her in her buster seat. I got in the drivers seat started the car and drove off


Me:yes munch

Mya:can we go to the park

Me:what usually your tired and don't want to do nothing but now you do what happen mya

Mya:there's this new boy he hit me and called me ugly so I hit him back and Ms.Jenkins saw it and put me in time out while everyone else was playing

Me:ok we can go


So I drove to the best park around her when I park she took herself out the seat belt and opened the door taking off running I grabbed my purse got out closed my door and hers and locked the door up I went and sat at one of the picnic table I started playing on my phone chillin when I seen this little boy and girl fist fight and the girl was winning I started search for mya and I couldn't see her then I seen her beating up a little boy so I got up and ran in the corner of my eye I could see a man doing the same

I pulled mya off the boy and he picked him up and started to see was he ok

?:learn how to control your child lady

P.s I hate when people telling about how I should control or teach my child something so I was pissed

Me:Mya Na'Shae August how you lost your mind what is wrong with you

Mya:but ma that the boy from daycare who hit me and called me ugly

?:cj is this true and don't lie to me

Cj:yes sir

?:have you lost to damn mind what I tell you about putting your hands on girls (looks at andrean) I'm so sorry ma'am

I look at him and I was stuck

Chres: Dre

Me: Chres

He looked at Mya and back to me

Me: go play Mya

Chres:(not taking his eyes off her) yeah you too cj

I walked back to where I was sitting and he sat beside me. he was just looking down

Chres:you named her Mya


Chres:and all this time I thought we were having a boy but it was a girl. my beautiful baby girl. and she got hands too

I chuckled at that but it came to me

Me:please don't tell me that's desirees son


Me:he's yours isn't he

Chres:I'm sorry

I just cried

Chresantos P.O.V

It hurt me to see her cry and she looked at me and smiled

Dre:congratulations I mean that

Me:please don't cry I've been worried sick about you her since you ran away that day

She was about to say something but Mya came over marching

Mya:mama why are you cry huh did he hurt you did mom did he (points to him) hurt you (turns to him) did you hurt my mommy eww you and your son are both meanys

Dre:he didn't hurt me baby

Mya:are you sure


Mya:(wipes away andreans tears) ok just making sure (talking to Chres) I got my eye on you ma I'll be on the swing if you need me

She ran off. she heard me. before andrean

💭flashback 💭

Me:hey daddy's little man this is gonna be the last time I see you again i just want you to know yo daddy love you man and I'll always will do right and when you get older make sure you protect your mommy from people don't give her a hard time(cries)i love you ok

💭flashback over 💭

And it was Mya instead of a boy

Dre:she really over protective

Me:I can see but umm do you want to get something to eat....on me please

Dre:(smiles) ok

~👋🏾 hello you guys so it took so long but I've been busy so I changed his name and all so I hope yall loved it and part 2 is coming tomorrow so comment vote fan me and stay mindless ☺️~

a true hood story (mindless behavior love story but mostly roc and ray)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن