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"Let's give a round of applause to our best all round student, Munir Sheriff"

I smile cockily.
"A student that is both my headache and my panadol but also an overall student for the 5th time in a row, since his JS1. Applause him as he joins me infront of the class"

I stand as the whole class erupts in laughter as they howl and clap.
I stand next to Mrs.Edochie, my sexy homeroom teacher.

"You might be a thorn but at least you use your brain unlike" she glares at Yusuf who winks at her "That stupid boy there. What do you have to say to your classmates?"

I smirk "I hope I have given you all hope but before you think you can be like me I hope you'd understand that no one is perfect except of course yours truly"

Mrs.Edochie slaps the back of my head "I don't know why I waste my time doing these things, go back to your seat"

I smile, bow and go back.
Hanan turns back to look at me immediately I sit "When can I start coming over for tutorials?"

"If it's you, anytime you want".
She smiles.

"Before I go to my first class I'd like you all to know that we're having a new—" she stays quiet as the discussions going on in the class kept getting louder.

"Shut up!" She shouts at the top of her voice making the class dead silent "You won't kill me before I have my children".

Mrs.Edochie is 29years, she started off as a copper when she was 24years but the school didn't want to let her go so they offered her a job and she accepted. She's the youngest teacher in the secondary section and the prettiest too, a lot of students have had feelings, some even gathered the courage to ask her out, I heard she let them down lightly but who really knows anyway.

A lot of those old worn out teachers flirt, one even got physical once and I witnessed and interfered personally, it's a story I'll tell you soon enough.

We are the worst class in the whole school, difficult to handle but we also have the best grades, no one is perfect and every teacher finds it difficult to handle us except her. She can be sweet but she's also a very cranky woman, like really cranky.

She can also be really cool, that's why we all love homeroom and not being allowed to be there is torture for anyone of us.

She can be really wicked but in her defense that's the only way to control us and because of that our principal seems to like her (P.S our principal is female) and other female teachers not too much but we like her, she sincerely wants to make us better people and she cares but not being difficult is not not in our nature, at all.

"Anyway she'll be here—" she gets cut off when someone knocks on the door.
She smiles "Oh she's here, come in"

The door open and a girl comes in slowly, timidly. She stands next to her.
"This is Munayah Lateef and she's your new classmate".

She turns to Yusuf, glaring at him "Yusuf! Can't you see everyone is shivering? Didn't I tell you to turn off that AC when I came in?!"

"Sorry Kiki" he laughs before he turns it off. Yeah everyone in the class calls her Kiki, it's her nickname, now that I think of it no one knows her name but I prefer calling her Mrs.Edochie but only in serious situations.

She hisses and smiles at the girl who might I mention is gorgeous, wearing her nude bag and navy blue vans. I know you're wondering why I know about colors but Anty always asks my opinions and if I don't know she tells me and then asks my opinion.

She looks around before turning to the girl "Go sit on the empty seat infront of Munir, he'll help you with notes and anything school related" she says making emphasis on the 'anything school related'. I just smile.

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