"No, I never asked him, but tell him. I want to know everything. Asks interested Sam

"Freddie is similar to his father, he had the same thing with Marissa as you were with Freddie, only you were more lucky. Replies Melanie

-What do you mean. Asks Carly

-And the fact that, Marissa being pregnant quarreled with his father and threw him out of the apartment, later he lived with his friend and wanted to contact her, but she was hurting him, because she was angry, finally the day came when she forgave him, but when he called his colleague with a request to talk to him, she found out that he hanged himself out of love for her, not seeing the meaning of life without her. Told by Melanie

"But it must have been terrible, now I know why he never talked about his father. Says Sam

"And I understand Mrs. Benson's behavior, she wanted the best for him too much. Says Carly

"True, Freddie is very similar to his father. Says Melanie

-I wonder what exactly his father was, I don't even know what his name was. Says Sam

-You can only learn this from Marissa. Freddie didn't even recognize him. Says Melanie

-Carly, what happened to your mother? Sam Asks

-She died in childbirth. Answers Carly

-Yours? Asks Melanie

-No, my brother, who also did not survive, I was 2 years old at the time. Answers Carly

"I feel sorry for you, it's terrible. Sam says holding Carly's hand

-I know, but there's nothing you can do about it. Answers Carly

- That's true.

Meanwhile, at school.

Freddie, Josh, Frank and the rest of the Av team have a meeting where they talk about new projects.

"Listen everyone, today we were visited by one of the best computer scientists from Portland, who wants to give a lecture about creating antivirus programs. Says the chairman of the circle

-It will be interesting. Says Freddie to Frank

-Hello I'm Derek Pantamonic and I'm in the business of creating antivirus programs. I came to you after I found out about the new website of your school and the hacking attacks on the website Icarly.com ... The visitor began to speak.

During the lecture

-Freddie, does he seem familiar to you too? Frank asks in a whisper

-Yes, but I don't know from where. Says Freddie and Frank takes out his phone.

-Look at this picture. Frank asks

-Where did you get this picture from? Asks Freddie

-Look at him, do you see the similarities? Asks Frank

-Yes, it's the same person, but you can see that a few years have passed. Says Freddie

-Don't remember this picture? Asks Frank

-I've seen them somewhere, but I don't know where. Answers Freddie

-Think, where can I get a picture you know? Asks Frank

-Wait, you want to say... He asks Freddie, but Frank interrupts him and says:

-Yes, I think it's him. Answers Frank

-But is it possible? After all, it is called differently. Asks Freddie

-Yes, but maybe he changed his last name so that no one would recognize him. He speaks wondering Frank

-Rather doubtful, but why would he do such a thing? Asks Freddie

Maybe he was a hacker before and got along with the police, where he got a new identity. Says Frank

- This explanation does not suit me, but everything is possible. Says Freddie

-I'm not saying that this is the case, but this is the first thing that came to my mind. Says Frank

-And what do you think to do with it? Asks Freddie

-After the lecture, talk to him, he will definitely want to talk to you as the creator of the site. Answers Frank

"I don't know if I should, even if it's him, you know what he did, he probably won't want to talk about it. Freddie replies, not wanting to agree

-He must have already forgotten about it. Answers Frank

-Forgot after about 10 years? Asks Freddie

-All in all you are right, but what is the harm, if you want to go with you and ask myself, it will be on me. Answers Frank

-Okay, let me ask. That's right Freddie

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