Chapter 2 sql

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Sam was at school that day and came to Freddie's after school

Pov Sam

Yesterday was the best day of my life. Freddie woke up when the doctor had given up hope of it and admitted he loved me. I would never admit that I loved him because I was afraid of rejection, but at that moment I knew that he could not hear me anymore and I knew that he could not reject me anymore, so I let it out. I'm glad I did it. I've just finished school and I'm driving Carly and Melanie to Carly's apartment and going to Freddie's. They both keep telling me all day that they have never heard a more romantic story than the one I have with Freddie, and that they would give everything so that they could live it themselves. It is very nice and what surprises me is not irritating at all. Melanie even said I made Freddie wake up. I love the thought of it because of me, and it makes me feel like I did the right thing to admit it. When I woke up today, I got dressed and ran to Carly asking her if yesterday was true or just my dream, and when I heard that it was true, I felt happy as I had never been (well, maybe except yesterday). All day today, I couldn't focus for a second on class, I was thinking all the time about how Freddie was feeling. I love him so much and I want him to recover as soon as possible so that we can spend all the time together. I blame myself so much for being there, why didn't I look around then? I know I'm a bad girl. I hate the driver who hit him so much that if I met him, I would bully him so much that he would beg for death, which would end his suffering, I would incise his body and sprinkle salt so that he would suffer as long as possible. (A / n I know it might be too spicy, but I think it suits Sam when she's very nervous) Now I'm going to Freddie's. I want to see him so badly.

Nobody is Pov

Sam enters the hospital and goes to the room where Freddie is lying

-Hello Darling. Freddie says smiling as he sees Sam opening the door to his room. Sam was very pleased with the words.

-Hello Freddie. Sam answers and kisses Freddie

-How about school? He asks Freddie after the kiss is over

-Okay, it's hard for me to focus on anything other than how you feel. Sam says, worrying about Freddie and grabbing his hand.

-It's okay, you don't have to worry that much. Freddie replies, trying to calm her down

-How do I not worry? You're here because of me. Sam says, close to crying.

-No, I'm here because of a stupid driver, it's not like you hit me. Freddie replies

- No, but if I wanted to see him, you wouldn't be lying here. Sam says looking at Freddie with a look that expresses sadness, love and concern.

-Sam, it's okay, but I have good news and a surprise for you. Says Freddie, wanting to change the subject to make Sam feel better.

-What? Curious Sam asks

- Today he is discharging from the hospital. Freddie responds happily

-Doctors are already discharging you? Sam asks surprised

-No, the doctors think I better lie down, but I said I'd come for a checkup. Freddie explains to her

- Maybe Freddie you should still stay here? Sam asks worried

-No, I have many obligations and I have to fulfill them. Freddie replies

-Freddie, you're hurt, you need to rest. Sam says wanting the best for Freddie

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