Chapter 16

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The next day at school, Freddie knocks on the Director office door.

-Hello Freddie, what brings you here? He asks the Headmaster when he notices Freddie entering

-Good morning, Director, I have a question for you, do you know anyone who sells a car trailer? Freddie asks

-Yes, I have one friend who sells a fairly large trailer cheaply, are you looking for one? Director answers

-I think I might need one. Freddie replies

-Well, I'll call him and he will come to school because he was supposed to come here anyway because he has financial problems and he wanted to talk to me about it. Says Director speaking

-It's okay when he arrives, please let me know, and now I will go to classes Says Freddie

-Sure. Director says, and Freddie leaves and goes to lessons.

During the break, Freddie is informed and he and Josh and Gibby they go to watch the trailer.

-Good morning, are you selling this trailer? Ask Freddie as she walks over to the owner of the trailer

-Yes, you want to buy it? Ask the owner of the trailer

-Yes, what's the price? Freddie asks

- $ 900. The owner of the trailer is responsible

-I take it well, but I don't have that kind of money with me, let's get along, I'll go to you after school and then we'll write a contract. Freddie proposes

- Fits fine, are you Freddie Benson? Ask the owner of the trailer

-Yes, it's me. Freddie replies

-Listen there is a case, I have a construction company and I can't find clients so maybe you could help me with this, for example by making a website? Ask the owner of the trailer

-It's great, because recently I rented a garage in a bad condition and I don't know much about construction, so maybe you could help me with it and I will help you in looking for clients for this help? Freddie asks

-It's a perfect solution for me, of course, that I will help you, and drop by today The owner of the trailer happily agrees and gives a piece of paper with his address

-It's great, so we get along. Says Freddie and the Trailer Owner leave and only Gibby, Josh and Freddie are left

-You know what Freddie, if you need to, I'm here to help Says Josh

-Me too. Says Gibby

-Thanks, guys, I will remember. Freddie says smiling

-Okay, sorry, but we have to go to lessons, so bye. Josh says, and he and Gibby walk away

- I'll come in a moment, hello. Freddie says goodbye and looks at his trailer and then goes to the rest of the lessons.

After school, Freddie goes to see Spencer.

-Hello Spencer, is Sam already? Freddie asks

- She's not here yet but knowing her she'll be here in 20 minutes and what? Asks Spencer

-Nothing, I just wanted to see the motor, but if so, I'll wait at home until it comes. Freddie replies

-And you don't want to wait with me? Spencer proposes

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