Sql !!! Chapter 1

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They are all still in the hospital and Sam and Freddie are kissing

-I can't believe what I see. Says Spencer

-I already thought I had lost my only son. He says Marssa crying

-You are so cute together says Carly

-Truth. Says Melanie

-You really, Freddie, do you love me? She asks Sam after they broke off the kiss and looks into Freddie's eyes

-And if you can not love you, you are so wonderful, then I should ask you this question, after all you told me that no girl would go out with me. Freddie replies

-Freddie I love you, like I could not love you after what you did for me? Sam asks

-So I'm just Bolivian bacon for you? Freddie asks

-What?? What is going on? Sam asks confused

-You do not remember? You once had a boyfriend you thought you loved because he sent you bacon. Explains Freddie

-Yes, but what does that have to do with us? He asks himself without understanding

-That you say you love me for what I did. Explains Freddie

-No, Freddie, it's not like that. Sam answers

-A, how? I don't want you to force yourself to love me because I helped you. Says Freddie

-I do not force myself, listen to me, I will explain everything to you. Says Sam

-Listen. Says Freddie

-When I was little nobody cared about me and that's why I became tough to persevere without being loved, only Carly and Spencer respected and accepted me, but then you showed up and I saw Carly reject you and I wanted to discourage you from her because she was my only friend and I didn't want you to harass her later I met your mother and I knew how he treats you and she was the opposite of mine, she cared for you and I envied you even though she was crazy and that's why I hated you, but then I read somewhere that overprotection is form of violence and then I realized that you are in a similar situation as me and I wanted to apologize to you, but I knew that you would not forgive me and if I did, I would have to change, which I did not want, because I did not want to suffer even more and for all these reasons you I tormentedbut your stubbornness in fighting for Carly amazed me and I liked that about you, so I agreed to a kiss I liked, then you helped me with Missy. Says Sam

-how do you know about this? She interrupts her by asking Freddie

-From Carly, I know you didn't want her to tell me, but she did, but don't blame her for it, and after that I started to wonder why you complied with my request and why you gave up something you dreamed of for me? Then I began to realize that you were the only person who didn't run away from me, and you even tried to cheer me up when I was sad, to calm me down when I was drained, and you are the only person who did something like that for me. Freddie, I've loved you for a long time, but I didn't even want to admit it to myself, and I thought I'd end up falling out of love by tormenting me, but it didn't work. I didn't want to fall in love, but you stole my heart and I can't imagine my life without you. Freddie I like your stubbornness in fighting for your goals, the fact that you are nice to everyone even for those who hurt you and you know how to go through all problems with your head held high, and that success has not changed you for the worse, but on the contrary you have become better, you help everyone who needs it, I also like the fact that you showed that you care about your honor and you will not be pushed around for anyone. I can go on like that for a long time, if you still don't believe me. Sam said looking into Freddie's eyes

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