Chapter 2

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At the same time
Freddie pov
How could she say I wouldn't forgive her for that, I didn't expect it from her, I thought they were my friends, but now I can see Carly was just using me and for Sam I was a punching bag, no one will treat me like that.
Nobody is Pov
Freddie went to his house after he left
- What are you doing here, Freddie so fast? Freddie's mother, Marissa.
-I don't want to talk about it, please give me some peace. Freddie said, wiping away his tears.
-Okay, but the point is, your friend Josh just came over and wanted to tell you something, but I said you weren't home." Marissa said.
-Did he long ago gone? Freddie said, suddenly changing his expression.
- He should be in the hall by now. Marissa said
- I'll go to him.
Freddie said firmly.
-Well, okay, but don't be too long and promise me that you'll tell me what happened next.
Marissa said worried.
-Okay mom .
said Freddie, running out of the apartment like an arrow and chasing Josh.
Marissa's pov
I wonder what these girls did to him that he came back so quickly and with tears in his eyes, I haven't seen Freddie crying for a long time, so they must have hurt him a lot, I need to find out what happened, unfortunately he doesn't trust me. I have to change that, I will be less overprotective of him because I know he hates what I did was for him but I have to help him with what happened.

Nobody is Pov
Freddie yells as he runs down the stairs and notices Josh
-Hello, nice to see you.
Josh says when he spots Freddie."
- Nice to see you too. Do you have some time?
Says Freddie, out of breath.
-That's what I wanted to visit and talk to you, so we can go somewhere?
Josh asked
Okay, I need to talk to someone too, why don't we go to Grovie Smothie?
Freddie asked
- Okay, let's go.
Josh replied
At the same time at the Icarly studio.
Sam gets a message from his mom
-Uh, that's just great.
He says Sam when he sees a text from his mother.
- What is?
Asks Carly.
-Mom texted me and here comes Melanie.
Sam says angry.
- Peace of mind won't be so bad.
She comforts Carly
- That's not the point.
He says Sam.
-About what?
Carly asks, confused by what Sam said.
-The last time she was here, I promised her that when she got here, I would prove to Freddie that she exists, and how can she do that when he's offended?"
Asked bad Sam.
- take it easy, everything will be fine tomorrow, I'll apologize to him and we'll be friends again.
Carly says calmly.
-I hope because I always keep my word.
Says Sam
At the same time in Grovie
-Okay, what happened, Freddie?
Asks a worried Josh.
Freddie tells a friend what happened
-U, it's really not fair, but I have an idea how you can prove to them that without them you can be liked and respected thanks to your technical abilities.
Josh speaks with a smile
- Everyone is making fun of my skills and how can they help me?
He asked mockingly and curious about Freddie.
-Have you heard of this competition for the new school website? Josh asks.
-Yes, but I've been very busy lately with Icarly as our equipment needed repairing and cleaning, but I doubt I have any chance, there are many better students than me.
This is a sad Freddie speaking.
- Stop saying that and believe in yourself, fight for respect, prove to these girls what you really are worth and take part, and you are really good at it.
Says Josh
-Well, thanks, you're right, but I won't do it because of them, because I don't want to know them anymore, but why are you helping me?"
Says Freddie confident.
- Because I want to be your friend and I can learn many things from you about technology.
Says Josh
-I think you are on your way to be my friend and now I can ask for your help?
Freddie asks ,when gets an idea.
- Sure, everything you ask for.
Says Josh.

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