Chapter 17: The heavenly Emperor has...shrunk?

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Creds to meru90 ^^

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Creds to meru90 ^^

Xie Lian yawned as he opened his eyes, adjusting to the light that had flooded into the room. It was morning.

He stared at the pillow beside him and realised it was empty. Panic soon began to fill him as he wondered where the Emperor had gone. It wasn't until he shuffled around a bit that he felt something heavy pressed into his chest.


"What...?" Xie Lian quietly mumbled.

There in his arms was a very small looking Hua Cheng, curled up in a ball, head buried in his chest.

Oh my.

The Emperor was tiny! The size of just a child!

Xie Lian resorted to staying dead still like a plank of wood, unmoving, in hopes to not disturb him awake.

A few incense of time passed, and Hua Cheng groggily woke up, wriggling around under the covers, causing Xie Lian to giggle.

Hua Cheng immediately whipped his head up to face him.

"That tickles." Xie Lian softly spoke.

Hua Cheng was dumbfounded as he stretched his little arms and legs out.

"Shit." He mumbled.

Xie Lian jokingly gasped.

"A child shouldn't curse!" He said.

Hua Cheng whined and plonked his head back into Xie Lian's chest.

"Don't tease me, gege..."

Xie Lian smiled and began stroking his hair, "Why have you taken this form?"

Hua Cheng sighed and pulled away again to face him properly.

"This always happens when the gates to Gu open...I become like this, and my power is significantly weakened."

Xie Lian stared at those adorable chubby cheeks of his as he talked and shouldn't help but pinch one of them.

"You're so cute..."

Hua Cheng frowned, "Don't coddle me...I don't like this form, it's embarrassing."

Xie Lian really couldn't help it, he was too cute as a kid! Even the way he pouted made Xie Lian want to coddle him and pinch his cheeks even more.

"Hahaha, sorry, sorry!" Xie Lian went back to stroking his hair.

Out of the corner of Hua Cheng's eye, he noticed a rather savage looking bite mark. He reflexively reached out to caress the marred part of his skin and frowned.

"Did this?" His voice quivered as he spoke.

"Don't worry about it, it doesn't hurt and it'll fade." Xie Lian assured.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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