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***This story is a part of a four book series. In order, the Triumvirate Histories series goes: Beautiful Heist, Graceful Deception, Fateful Hindrance, and Wistful Remembrance.

There is a series that goes along with this one, but you don't have to read it to understand it. In order, they go: My Life In Ruins, My Life In Code, and My Life Of Evasion.

As of February 18th, this is now the edited version of the story. I'm still planning on making a few more changes, but that won't happen for a while.

Happy reading!

- Ansley***

The Triumvirate Histories Book 1

There were a few things eighteen-year-old Emmy Alexander expected to come out of her senior class trip to Paris: annoying roommates, amazing food, museum tours, a best friend who made everything more interesting (sometimes in the inappropriate way), and enough artwork to make her feel like she was back home in New York City with her Met curator father and historian mother. A few things that she didn't expected to happen? Walking in on a heist in progress and being kidnapped as a result.

Emmy's kidnapping thrusts her into the hidden world of two dueling secret societies, one fighting to protect the past and the other set out on destroying it. The Fraternitatem Temporis - the Brotherhood of Time - are on a mission to find the six piece of a puzzle that would led them back to their hidden documents, which told the history of people for the past thirty-five hundred years. Emmy's kidnapper, John Raymond, had success in finding two, the second being the one Emmy had walked in on.

Now, after being recruited into helping the Brotherhood find the four other missing pieces, John and Emmy travel the world to world renowned museums, searching for the pieces of the missing key hidden behind the canvases of the works of da Vinci, Caravaggio, Botticelli, and other famous artists. They're not the only ones in search, though. The Milites de Albo Rose - the Knights of the White Rose - are right behind them.

John and Emmy's adventure isn't just about the search for the four missing pieces. Their relationship started out as one filled with annoyance and distrust, but then grew into something more. But with John's dark past and Emmy trying everything to find out more about what happened to him, it takes their mission onto an entirely different path. Emmy will be put to the test, the test of loyalty to the Brotherhood and, more importantly, to John and her ever-growing feelings for him, but her solemn fate pressed even closer with every move they made.

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