You placed your hand over your small wound. A bullet grazed you. The bullet grazed you. That bullet with Eri's cells, the quirk that could rewind. 

Your hand trembled as you pulled it away from your wound. "No..."

It came out as a quiet, broken whisper. It was the closest to crying you had ever gotten since you were 4 or 5. That quirk was the only thing you remembered about your mom. There was no face in your head when you thought about your mom, just a voice and a hand filled with sand from a broken vase.

"Y/N?" You saw Mirio kneel down in front of you, his tired eyes still filled with concern for others. Concern for you. 

"My quirk..." You began shakily. 

He furrowed his brow. "But you didn't get shot.. did you?"

"N-No, it's still there." You picked up a small pebble you made from the debris. "But... it feels like I just got it. You know, like..." The pebble in your hand shook a bit and broke in half. "I can't.. I don't have control over it anymore!"

Mirio flinched a bit. He had never seen such a hurt, pained look in your eyes. There was this unfamiliar glint in your normally stoic expression. "I-It'll be okay." That's all he had to say. He's known you for so long, yet he knew nothing about how to comfort you.

Tsu put her hand on your shoulder. "Recovery Girl should be able to figure it out. Like she always does. Y-You'll be fine!"

You took in a deep breath, then exhaled. "Yeah. You're right." As you stood up, Mirio took your hand. "Y/N, it's okay to-"

"Yes, I know. 'It's okay to be afraid and sad' or... whatever." You walked down the hall. "I assume that the police have caught up by now."

The three of you ran down the hall and you saw Tamaki with the police. "Looking a bit beat up there." You mentioned, although he likely didn't need the reminder. 

"Where's Aizawa?" The police chief asked.

"I sensed him earlier. He had disappeared mid-fight, but he should be around here if I recall correctly."

"Can't you sense him now?"

You didn't answer. "You should be able to find him."

After a bit of searching, Aizawa was found. You knelt down and lifted him to his feet, removing the blindfold. "Aizawa-sensei?" But he didn't answer. Your head snapped to one of the villains you had found. "Reverse the quirk now."

"In your dreams."

Tamaki stepped away as you let go of Aizawa and cracked your knuckles. "Do I have permission?"

The police chief nodded, although he wondered what you were about to do.

Well, until you punched the villain in the face. There was a crack from you breaking his nose and blood dripped down his face. 

"Reverse it unless you want it again."


You glared, but you didn't punch him again. "I... said..." Your eyes glowed, fire ablaze on your side while your other side had water droplets rising from your body. "Reverse. It."

He didn't answer. 

The water droplets froze as if they were little spikes and you tilted your head.

Mirio and Tamaki could tell despite your cold expression that you were angry. Tamaki didn't know what you were so angry about. You were normally level-headed and calm, so this was... a bit scary.


Aizawa suddenly fell and your eyes returned back to normal, although as it stopped, a headache seemed to stab your head. You held your head in a hand, but your didn't stay like that for long. 

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