27. The punching bag of Black family

Start from the beginning

Therefore, even though Richard was young, his future was promising!

Hannah sighed. "No wonder Richard has such a good attitude. No matter what happens, he is always amiable and does his best."

Even the small matter of sending a flower basket was arranged perfectly. It turned out that the money was enough for people, sincerity and concern can be put aside in the face of money. She understood it and today's little encounter jogged her memory well.

The three of them came out of the dining room, after some light desserts and got ready to take a walk outside. As usual, Hannah and Albert walked in front while Adam followed behind.

After the walk, they entered the guest room which was cut off from the rest of the villa to give the family members more privacy they realized that there were guests at home. Mary Chen, Mary, was wearing a short red skirt. Her jet-black hair was permed into large waves and draped behind her head. She was charming. She smiled gently as she watched Albert walk in. When she saw Hannah following behind him, her smile froze. When Adam walked out from behind Hannah, her expression could no longer be controlled.

What's going on? Why are they standing together like a family of three?!

What happened to the scene in her imagination where the stepson and stepmother went against each other? Why didn't that happen?

The scene of the three of them entering the house in harmony stung Mary's eyes. Before Albert and Alissa officially divorced, Mary had already fallen in love with Albert. At first, she felt guilty about liking her brother-in-law, and she even felt ashamed. But later, Alissa and Albert's relationship was not harmonious.

The two of them had been sleeping in separate rooms for several years.

So, she suppressed her thoughts and quietly waited for the two of them to divorce. Finally, her dream came true. Alissa and Albert divorced. She thought that she could finally express her feelings after all the hardships. She wanted to be close to Albert as a woman, but she didn't expect that after the divorce from Alissa, Albert was not close to Alissa's relatives.

In the past, she could see Albert a few times a month, but after the divorce, they didn't see each other more than twice a year. She was anxious, but she had no other way. Every time she gathered her courage to come to the Black's villa, Albert would either not be at home or just nodded at her. He would politely say a few words and then leave in a hurry.

It was very difficult to get close to him!

Later, a friend suggested she deal with Adam first. After all, with Alissa's relationship, she felt that her relationship with Adam could be closer, but she was disappointed. Adam's personality was very cold. In the past, he could still call her aunt when he saw her, but ever since Alissa and Albert divorced, he didn't even call her aunt anymore.

One time, she brought delicious desserts to the Black and was caring towards Adam, but he did not care about the things she brought. He even coldly told her not to come over again.


Mary thought that with Adam's personality, he would definitely not let Hannah have an easy time, but what was going on now? Why did they come back from the outside together? This was unacceptable to Mary. It was even more unacceptable than when she heard the news of Albert's remarriage!

Today, she had received the news of Albert's return. She had dressed up beautifully and even bought a lot of dishes for the Black. She was prepared to establish her presence in front of the father and son. Firstly, she wanted to please them. Secondly, she also wanted to annoy Hannah.

Mary knew that Adam did not like her, but she only had feelings for Albert. However, Hannah had already entered the family and threatened his status. Therefore, compared to her, Adam should dislike Hannah even more.

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