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"Why is he so fucking hot?" a girl exclaimed in a hushed voice to her friend as the new teacher who had been here for a month walked in the classroom and set his things down on his desk. 

"I know, right?" her friend whined as she bit her lip, eyeing the teacher hungrily, her eyes roaming around his perfect build as his muscles strained against the fabric of his white dress shirt. "You know, I tried flirting with him last week and he literally played dumb with me. It was so obvious he knew what I was doing but for some reason he ignored me." she complained, her friend smirking back at her. 

"Well, maybe you're just not his type," she teased. "but I'm sure I am."

"Or maybe it's because it's illegal to fuck a student." Minho, troublemaker of the school, snickered as he watched the two girls scowl at him and turn around in their seats to focus on the lesson. "Seriously, what's wrong with these girls nowadays? We have to compete with teachers now? What the hell, man.." the asian boy complained to his best friend who was only half listening. "Why are you even listening to that shit?"

"Cause I'd rather be a smart asshole than a dumb one." the blond replied as he took a few more notes before glancing at his friend who was back to flirting with one of his classmates. 

"Minho" the teacher called, catching everyone's attention including the boy who had been doing anything but listening to the lesson. "wait until class is over to fuck, thank you very much." the man said without even looking up and Minho snorted. 

"Sure thing, dude." Minho replied before opening his notebook and taking a pen out even though he most likely wasn't going to be taking any notes whatsoever. 

Now, Minho was a student who loved pissing everybody off. His goal was to make at least five teachers cry every month. But this teacher was an exception. Never in his life did Minho have a teacher as cool as this one and frankly he really didn't want to make this one's life a living hell. School was already a hell in itself for him and when he realized that they finally had one decent teacher, he decided to make sure that one wouldn't quit. 

Every student loved this teacher. Mr Edison was not only beautifully perfect but he was incredibly good with teenagers. He would actually make life easier for them and always joked around with them. He was the light in their gloomy and sad days. Mr Edison was the only one who always seemed to have a full classroom of students. It was so rare that someone was missing in his class that other teachers had actually started asking him how he did it. 

And his reply would always be 'they're like my friends'. And, meanwhile this would never work with some teachers, it was working wonderfully for Mr Edison. Because he truly considered his students friends. And as a consequence, he acted with them like he would outside of school with his actual friends. He would give the students nicknames, he would pull pranks on them, laugh with them, even dance with them on days where they had nothing to do. His classes just always seemed to have the best vibes. 

And because of that, students listened to him, to what he asked of them, to what he was teaching them. Because they wanted to make Mr Edison proud of them, they didn't want him to be disappointed. 

"Mr Edison?" a girl called, her hand raised as she waited for the teacher to look at her and allow her to speak. 

"Yes, Maddy?" the brunette said as he looked up from his computer. He had given them a worksheet a few minutes prior and was waiting for them to finish so they could go over it together. 

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