My pack

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"Alpha its time to get up you start school today you don't want to be late"

I thought who the fuck is this but instead replied"you don't know me then of course I want to be late". I woke up it was just my maid "fine I will get up..get out"
"Oh yes right away alpha" and with that she took it out the room I just laughed and jumped in the shower.after a 30 minutes I was ready in my white tank top and my white jeans that hung lowly on my waist with my black and white Jordan's.I mean come on its California its always hot.
I walked downstairs to find my betta and gamma or third in command.this is our first time attending highschool so hopefully we can find our mate.
"Alpha are you ready we are already late"
"Yeah I'm ready let's go" I hoped in my black and white lambo while my betta Jahad hoped in his red and black porsh while my gamma jayden jumped in his black and orange porsh.with that we are off to school.
When we get to school we jump out of the car and freeze I don't know why they stop but I mate.I linked the boys
" what's going on why'd you stop" I linked
"Why'd you stop"hidy linked back
"Wrd"jay linked back
" I don't have time for thisthis is childish on the count of 3 yell out why gosh" I said out loud"1...2....3"
"MATE" we yelled out and booked it to the wonderful smell.we all ran to a class that looked Like math we bust in the door and everyone bowed their head except one girl I was kinda confused why didn't she bow down she looked around I then made eye contact with the red haired hazel eyed cutie ....she is my mate and she's human even better."Alpha,betta, Gamma"the class chorused.Hidy ,jay and I ran to the girls they all had red hair.
"Alpha with all due respect you are interrupting my class"
I growled "I'm borrowing these 3 girls thou"
"But Alpha we are taki- " he never finished I cut him off with a growl
"I don't care we are leaving" with that I stalked off with my betta gamma and the 3 girls.our mates.

My bestfriends AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now