chapter 17

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Me......Jimin looked at Jin. Jin smiled apologetically. Jimin's expression was not easy to read

You told me it was an accident

It was actually, I'm sorry Jimin

Everyone turned towards Jimin bit scared. I was confused but to everyone's surprise Jimin started whining and pouting.

Why is it always me? Huh? Am I that dangerous? Why am i the one who gets hurt?

You are a punch magnet Jimin, Yoongi replied

Everyone started laughing including Yoongi. Jimin was pouting there. I was sitting there awkwardly. kookie noticed that I smiled at me.

Sis, do you remember me telling you about Hazel overheard us talking behind her back?


This lead to it, Jimin got angry at her and pinned her to wall suddenly something punched him. For the first time Hobi hyung beat one of us. all he did was pressing her against the wall to scare her.

I started laughing as I understood why Jimin was pouting.

then don't stop this trend, there are four more mates excluding yours.

I don't want to I did it accidentally

Oh really? Pinning a girl on wall and pressing against her is accident? I was there with you, idiot, Tae exclaims

She called me short....

Well she said truth

I'm gonna kill you alien...

We all watched Jimin chasing Tae around the room with a smile in our face.

Darcy, I turned to see Jin looking at me with a sad expression.

To be honest when I first knew you were my mate, I also had same thoughts as boys about you. I was in a dilemma. We never knew how it was to live with rogues. Hazel was the only one who trusted you from the start. I have to apologize for judging you before and hurting you, he apologized making me shocked.

Why is he apologizing? If I was in his situation I would also think like that.

Same goes to me, I only accepted you because I couldn't say no to my Hazel. I was scared that what if you were a traitor and is going to take Hazel away. But I knew something, mate bond is very strong. If you are Jin hyung's mate, there is a way we could change your mind. So, I apologize too, Hobi said looking at me.

Is this confession time? this is awkward. It's okay Hobi, Hazel is your mate.

I trusted you because I didn't want to make same mistake I made with Hazel, and I also felt you were struggling. Now I feel happy that this time at least I was with someone from starting, Joon said awkwardly making me chuckle.

What's wrong with them? they didn't do anything wrong.

I also thought the same, I don't want to repeat my mistake with Hazel, Kookie exclaimed.

Me too, me three..... Twins joined

Hazel did you torture them for that or something? They look terrorized enough to trust me, I started laughing and Hazel was pouting there.

I didn't

It was a torture, not physical, mental torture and I'm still not recovered from trauma of it, Joon said making me confused

Mental torture?

I'll explain Tae shouted making us flinch.

You may have heard some details but listen, actually when we came here, for first few days we went along with her except for Yoongi hyung. He showed his dislike from starting itself. Joon hyung meets her in library as they both were nerds talking about books, Kookie was learning fight from her, I and Jimin usually bicker around with her. When we heard about mates and she was Hobi hyung's mate, that's when things changed. We felt jealous of her. He was our especially little ones favorite and we felt she was stealing him from us. we felt she was someone who is intruding into our peaceful family. And thanks to Yoongi hyung and his reasoning of how girls will ruin a boy's life, we felt scared. But still we kept along with her to watch her.

What the fuck?

Yes, sis, Jimin said making me look at him, we were blinded with jealousy that we didn't notice what a good friend she was for us. We always feared for a day when Hobi hyung gonna stand against us for her and she will turn him against us. that day when Hyung punched me, we decided she already manipulated him. Jin hyung and Hobi hyung stayed with Jihoon hyung to sort things out but we five were not taking things casually. We were in Joon hyung's room talking about the incident. I was angry that she made Hobi hyung beat me and Yoongi hyung was like I already told you nah? We all were talking about how she a stranger is creating issues among us. we were so much into discussion that we didn't smelt Hazel outside and she as a special wolf has more hearing sense.

You heard everything? I turned towards Hazel and she looked down.

If I was her, I would have snapped your heads, I said making Kookie agree with me.

We wished that she should have done that, when the door opened and she was standing there expressionless with tear filled eyes, instant regret took over me and Joon hyung. We both tried to stop her but she told us that Jihoon hyung is calling for dinner and asked us to tell him she won't be there before walking away. I never made anyone cry and she was the first and only female friend I ever had in my life. From that day I and Joon hyung was trying to apologize later joined by Jimin hyung and Tae Hyung too. But she chose to cut the connection with us. she only talked with Jin hyung and Hobi hyung. They were with her that they never agreed to help us in apologizing. She told them not to tell us what they saw. We really understood how much she was important for us and we missed her. I wanted to help her I some way but she always rejects my offer. That was when she transformed almost killing Yoongi hyung and we came to know about our past. It wasn't easy for anyone. Everyone were so shocked and scared that they closed themselves in room. Hobi hyung was the one who had worst as you know what happened to him in past. I knew my brothers struggles better than them so I understood the only way to save Hobi hyung now is Hazel. So I talked with her.

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